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After I took Georgie out of the room, I handed her my journal and Julie's diary to see if she could make any links between what I remember and what Julie said has happened. It would also be a great distraction for her since Adam and I wanted to speak to Eagle privately about him going to the Upper District and hiding that he was Ryan's brother. Georgie doesn't need to know that just yet. I might fill her in if I have time since these days shouldn't be as chaotic as they were before with the Rioters. They're the only problem.

"Why is Ryan chasing you?" I said as I moved closer to Adam to help him sit up before looking at Eagle.

Eagle watched us for a few moments while coughing and glancing at the window, his eyes darting anywhere else but us afterwards. He pulled at his collar before sighing and sitting on the floor.

"Don't get me wrong, he's my brother." Eagle muttered, "He didn't like how I left Skylar on her own when she was getting beat up by Hoyt. I didn't want to when that mascaree took place. Ryan thinks I was kidnapped by you guys and not that I ran off."

"Why was Hoyt beating her up? Wasn't she following orders?" Adam asked as he moved uncomfortably again as he cursed in pain. Everything took a toll on his body and I knew I was to blame.

It was as if he read my thoughts when he asked those questions, it's as if we think similarly. I wonder what other similarities we have as I tapped the bedsheets, thinking of a lullaby that Adam sang to help me sleep.

If only I could reverse time. No. It happened for a reason. Now, I'll make sure that nothing happens to him again or anyone else I care about. But can I stop the inevitable? I'm not all powerful. I'm no hero. I've killed innocents too. I just can't remember like Adam said before, I've done things that were wrong too.

Skylar didn't seem too bothered when she shot the baby, she must be really good at hiding things. I guess that skill runs in the family. Even Eagle hid it in a way. He never told us directly and probably wouldn't have if we didn't figure it out.

"She didn't want to go through with the massacre but she was threatened for my safety. Ryan blames me for her death."

"I was the one who shot her." I muttered.

Eagle covered his face with his hands and stayed silent as he started shaking. He got up and pointed at me.

"You did this. This was your fault but I understand why you did that. I can't hate you for it. Skylar was going to die with that brain of hers."

Adam looked at him and sighed. I knew that Eagles hatred was justified but he refrained himself from saying anything he'd regret. Unlike Ryan, he's more understanding and considerate. No wonder Julie likes him. Maybe his jokes made her fall for him but who knows? I'll ask her myself one day. I wonder how she'd react.

"That doesn't explain why you were at the graveyard. Or even in the Upper Districts vicinity. You went against rules there- so explain yourself." Adam said with a demanding tone as his eyes darkened slightly. What was he thinking about? The Upper District?

"I wanted to see how Ryan was- but I never got to see him." He answered as he ran his hands through his hair, letting a strand of his hair hang over his forehead.

Why was Eagle there? Surely, he wasn't there to meet Julie everyday or week at the graveyard, right?

"You were seeing Julie." I muttered as Adam held my hand for a moment. He looked at me before smiling to himself.

Eagle grinned as he looked out the window.

"Yeah, those were the good old days." He said as he met my eyes with a sad stare, making my stomach churn. I could sense his pain and I didn't like it one bit.

"Eagle..." I muttered. Surely there's something we can do?

"Why don't you come with us one day up there to see her?" Adam asked before grinning, "you always play cupid with everyone else so it's my turn."

"She got caught last time and I never saw her again. Also, me cupid? Why I have no idea what you're on about there!" Eagle said before smiling and pointing at us both.

"Oh no, not this again. We're just friends! Here, Julie wanted to give you this letter." I said as I handed it to him.

"That's what Julie and I used to say. Thanks, that means a lot." He said with a smile.

"You shouldn't be getting flustered and bothered by Eagle's comments by now, Dani. Unless of course, it means something more to you." Adam muttered under his breath so I could hear him.

"I'm not flustered. Why are you bringing this up?" I asked as I looked at Eagle for a moment.

"No- no reason." He said with a grin, "just noticed that your cheeks are pink right now."

"It's because I'm hurt, Adam. Ryan and this girl really beat me up."

"Well if that's the case, I think you got the better end of the stick," He muttered, "look at me, not trying to spite you or anything. We're both in one piece, that's all that matters."

"I matter to you?" I said under my breath, I knew it was a stupid question. I just wanted to hear him say it to me.

"Definitely, you're an idiot if you think otherwise." He said before touching my cheek as Eagle laughed.

"Kiss already!" Eagle said before laughing, "in front of everyone too. Just get a room already."

"No!" We both said as Adam let go of me.

Technically, we already have a room. Eagle laughed until his eyes landed on the door.

"Looks like we have other plans." Eagle muttered.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt your tea party." Tracy said as she came in with Georgie passed out in her arms before throwing the diaries on the floor, "we've got a situation. Georgie's getting sick again."

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