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In the distance, the building we had to go to was in sight. It was built of red stone, half of the building was crumpled on the ground, mainly destroyed by the construction work. There were two blacked out windows either side of the entrance. Moss grew up on the other side of the building as well as a small tree that was up to the second floor. It looked like a barn but with floors and more windows. There were no wooden planks in between the floors, instead there were cracks and leaves that separated each floor. As well as, dried blood, spray paint and their gang logo of a crucifix and a sword in a circle.

"Too close, Lorenez," A voice came out, standing in front of us with a mask on before pulling out her gun and aiming it at me, "don't move."

I knew that if I ran, everyone else would be in danger. I can't make the same mistakes again. Standing still, I raised my hands up in surrender. I could feel the burning stares from Eagle and Tracy. She turned to face me, sweat trickled down her face as she frowned at the sight of two more people approaching us. Eagle sighed as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, messing with his holster. Tracy stayed still as before whispering under her breath.

"Only Danielle Lorenez can enter from here." She said, looking at them all, "not you."

The woman looked at us before waving her hand at the other two people. I didn't notice how we were surrounded by a group of Rioters until the woman tapped her foot. I didn't say anything as I walked up to them slowly.

"Don't!" Eagle and Tracy protested, before being pulled back by the Rioter guards.

Turning around, I reached out to stop the guards but it was too late. I watched them fade into the distance as the woman pulled me to her. The two Rioters joined the guards and left with Tracy and Eagle, our gang was out of sight. My stomach churned as I imagined them attacking the building without us.

"Don't move, you-!" She sneered as I tried to get her grasp, "Hoyt is waiting for this prize so don't make me kill you."

Shaking my head, I stopped on her foot with all the power I had. Her grip on me loosened, I pulled her hands off me before punching her nose. She shouted as she held onto her bleeding nose before swinging her leg at my stomach. I hurled over in pain as I watched her pull off her mask, revealing her burnt face. Before she could lay a finger on me again, I dogged her hits as I punched her throat as she stabbed my arm.

She fell on the dirt, coughing and spluttering before everything became silent. I need to get out of here before someone takes me to Hoyt. No one's welcome here. I'll save everyone and get out of here. I clung onto my arm as I kicked the woman over so that she was lying on her back before running away into the depths of the forest to find Tracy and Eagle.

The gang split off the path by going into the forest that surrounded the path, I will have to do the same.

Instead of going the same way the gang mates did, I walked through the forest with no sense of direction. I listened closely to any abnormal movement within the trees as I thought how there could be archers and snipers up there. With that thought in mind, I grinned before grabbing the sturdy branches from a tree and lifting myself up to look around the base. The building that we were supposed to be at was in sight but none of the gang members were. How is that possible? Was this a set up?

I looked around until I laid eyes on something that was tied up against one of the trees, near a different path made of cement. Was that a road? I thought there were cars down here. Jumping off the branch, I sprinted to the tree without a single worry or concern that the Rioters could be chasing me or that this was a trap.

Breathing in deeply, I felt my legs give up on me but I continued on. There was a fabric tied on the tree, I pulled it off and stuffed it into my pocket as I jogged down the path. That was Eagle's orange shirt. I thought I was hallucinating when I heard muttering nearby, like a fool, I walked up to it as I rubbed my eyes. I looked behind the massive rock that was next to another road that joined up the original path we were on, nothing was there.

Not long after, four people were standing in the middle of the road, five were against two. I ran as fast as I could, realising that Tracy and Eagle were there.

They all looked at me before all five of the Rioters rushed up to me, I pulled out my gun and shot one in the leg as one of them aimed their gun at my forehead as they headlocked me. The other three turned around to fight Eagle and Tracy, I struggled out of the man's grip until I turned my head and bit his hand. He dropped his gun onto the floor and cursed in pain as I pulled out my dagger and stabbed his shoulder.

I'm killing family. But to protect my own, I must fight.

Turning around, I kicked the man's shin, making him fall to the ground face first. Knocking him out cold. Tracy fought off the last Riotor until slamming their head into the rock. I looked away, at the sight of the blood dripping onto the rock. We were all covered in bruises and cuts, Tracy limped as she held onto her waist with her bloodied hands.

"Come here! A man's been shot!" Eagle shouted as he looked at the man who was lying on the floor in a stained white top and brown cargo jeans.

The clothing style was familiar- but why? I don't know anyone else here right?

He had a mask on, begging for help. We headed towards him, I stared at the man's blue eyes through the mask. Is that the man who killed my father? No, it can't be. His eyes are a lighter shade of blue than the man here with dark blue eyes. Eagle lifted the man's arms up above his head, making sure he wasn't fake. He screamed out in pain, kicking his legs frantically to stop the pain.

Tracy frowned at the sight of the man, "Why are you here?" She asked.

I didn't say anything nor did the man as he cried in agony, without thinking, I touched his hand. His eyes met mine before looking away. Before I could do anything else, Tracy pulled me away from him as she pulled off his mask.

"Ryan?" I said.

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