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A Few Seconds Later
6 seconds later

Adam looked at me before running his hand through his hair, closing his eyes and sighing for a moment.

"Something's off," he said while putting his hands in his pockets,"we need to get out of here."

"I don't understand, aren't people like that here?" I muttered, following Adam as he started walking.

"No-" he said, stopping in his tracks as soon as I asked the question, "we all know everyone here. A random stranger coming here isn't normal."

As soon as he said that, I remembered how the Eagle's boss treated me earlier as I rubbed my knuckles.

"No one's been here since the fire." Georgie said.

Right, how could I forget what Georgie said? No one has been here for years. And then suddenly, that man and I show up.

Now that I think about it, it almost seems as if they're out to get me- to stop me from remembering. But only my family and friends know, so that could only mean that one of them has bad intentions. The question is who and why?

The sound of gunshots rang in the air like fireworks, interrupting my thoughts. A few people rushed out of the bar and onto the streets.

The kids that were in the bar fell onto the floor as a man with a bayonet approached them. No! They wouldn't- they can't do that! 

"Adam! The kids!" I said before trying to go to them but Adam held me back by yanking my arm towards him. 

He turned me around to face him as I heard the kids scream as each one of them was shot, one by one.

What about Georgie and Grant? What about everyone else? What happens now? Adam didn't let go of me as the gunshots continued to ring in my ears as Adam spoke. 

"We need to get to the Fireplace! You can't save everyone." He said, looking at the masses of people who were being kicked onto the floor, the windows that were being smashed and the dust that was surrounding a few people as they got up and tried to run before failing because of their weak limbs and fatigue from being deprived of food.

We could have done something to save those kids, the parents- the families. This is awful. 

They shouldn't be going through this. If only I didn't come here, they wouldn't be suffering. Wherever I go, I only seem to bring it with me like a lost or dead friend.

Adams face paled after seeing the townspeople suffer and I was almost glad to have not seen it myself. And yet, I still wanted to see everything so that he wouldn't be there only one who felt guilty. 

My vision blurred as I held my head. Not another memory…

"Stop trying, they'll die either way." She said before pulling the trigger after placing the gun on the newborn's head.

My body flinched as I watched her shoot him before pulling my restraints each time. I was never a hero. I-

No, not now! I can't afford to faint again. I thought to myself before hearing the glass shatter in the distance. 

I nodded as a response, one of the female gang members held a gun in her hand. As soon as she turned around to look at us, I grabbed Adam by the hand and pulled him towards a tree before crouching. A gust of wind is all I felt as the screams started to get louder.

He shivered slightly as he leaned against the tree, looking at the bar door.

I continued to think about Georgie and Grant, I was hoping that they would be alive but with the masses of armed people, it seemed unlikely. Either way, I wanted to keep my head up because that's what Georgie would do. 

"Will Georgie be alright?" Adam asked before running his hand through his hair.

"Yes- Grant will look after her. Come on, let's go." I said.

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