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I thought I changed from before I lost my memories. But either way, I still fell for Ryan’s trap. Again and again. I can never escape.

He made me trust him from the beginning and now to let go is like letting go of everything that I once knew. And that- no longer made sense to me. Does Hoyt look the same after a year? What if, what if Hoyt doesn't?

How will I know who he is? And that person who shouted for me, they seem familiar. But again, I was hallucinating. I can't fully trust my memories or my past anymore.

I'm not making the same mistake again like I did with Ryan. Not now not ever. I need to save everyone from dying.

I couldn't tell if I was awake or still sleeping as the only thing I could see was darkness. Am I dead? Did I really fail everyone? These doubts of mine were interrupted by someone lighting a match. It illuminated their hand as I struggled to get out of the ropes that I was tied

In. My back pressed against a cold, metal pole. The person threw the match into a small lantern, leaving it on the floor which allowed some light so that I could see what was surrounding me. They then threw the lantern above my head, missing my head by a few inches as I felt the glass shards fall on my face.  The light switch flickered on.

“You won’t die just yet.” Ryan said as he pulled down his hood before walking towards me, taking a gun from his pocket and using it to make me look at him in the eyes. I shivered and looked away from him, feeling sick to the core. He betrayed me. Just like before. I can’t believe I fell for his games. He led me to Hoyt. He led me to Hoyt to get killed. Why did I trust Ryan? 

“Where is everyone? What have you done to them?” I said as I sighed when he threw the gun onto the floor and walked away from me. I breathed out a sigh of relief, this guy is too unpredictable. What if Hoyt was in here too?

“They’re dead.” He said, “that’s why they’re not here now. And it’s all your fault.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Everyone is dead? How? Why? I'm here now so why should they kill them too? The Rioters sicken me. And so does Ryan.

“What?” I muttered as I cried, my throat dried up as I thought of everything I shared with them all.

The times when Tracy and I spent together, the way she comforted me- how she hugged me as I cried and the look of hope she had in her eyes when she saw me. Now, I could only imagine her face stained with bruises and blood- eyes closed. Like Eagle when I saved him in the fire, the jokes he made about Adam and me. The way he said he loved someone who was in the Upper District. All of it rushed in my mind. I can't do anything. I'm not so hero after all. Adam was right. I should stop playing hero because I'm not one. And he was also right about a liar and a killer being in the same room. Figuratively, of course.

I can’t bring them back and I can’t get out of here. Hoyt- I mean Ryan has caused all of this. Was Hoyt a fake name? Is Georgie okay? She has to be. But Adam, where is he? I wanted to go back. To go back to the time when everything was okay. But I can’t go back now. I need to face this head on. It’s my destiny. I won’t back down. 

“I’m no liar.” He muttered as he sat down, looking at the mess he made, “or am I?”

“Why do this?” I asked, looking around at the building noticing the dried blood on the floor and how this place looked like a basement made of concrete pillars. 

“You killed Skylar.” He sneered as he grabbed his knife and threw it at the wall.

“Who?” I asked.

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