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A part of me wanted to run for the door, I knew it would be pointless as the woman could grab me. So, I listened to what they had to say as I stood, frozen in place. They both chuckled before slamming the door.

"Why are you here?" I muttered, listening to the doorbell ring. 

The woman frowned before giving me a cold glare, sending shivers down my spine. They must know what happened in the massacre- the woman I killed.

"Sent here to murder. Simple really." She said before looking at her nails,"you should know all of this by now."

"By who?" I asked before thinking about the memory I tried to block out.

The instructors were liars. I believed they had good intentions, just like my mother. They were never here to help me, that's for sure. I watched the manager walk towards me and turned on the light. They were a gang.

"Hired to kill. This was the plan from the start." He said before grinning.

The broken table came into view and the dusty punching bag that hung in the corner of the room. This was the training room. I looked around for a few seconds, adjusting to the light and taking in everything. This room was everything to me, it made me feel at home. But now, now it means nothing. Nothing at all, I faced the manager as I crossed my arms and spat on the floor.

"This wasn't the plan. Why do such a thing?" I sneered.

He chuckled as he cracked his knuckles walking towards me.

"You'll find out one day. Today isn't one of them." He said, I pulled my gun out from my holster and aimed it at him.

He met my eyes, it reminded me of everything we had done together. I breathed in shakily but remained composed, I won't let him get to me. A year rolled down our cheeks as I pulled the trigger.

"Well, I'm still alive and I'll say that to the person who hired you," I said as I looked down at him. "Hoyt, whoever you are. I'll get my revenge. Nobody places a bounty on me for no reason." I said before taking off the man's bloodied dog tags.

My blood boiled as I looked at my dirty hands. I've killed more than one person before. At least now I know why they're here.

"Hoyt," I said as I watched them stiffen up at the mention of his name, "he's still alive."

I chuckled before looking away. They're scared if I remember this correctly. Hoyt usually threatens to kill everyone he hires if a job isn't done correctly.

A part of me felt upset knowing that it might be best to let them win. The other fought back these feelings and reminded me that many more will go through the same thing they have to get the money they need. And that's when I knew which side I would take.

They looked at me for a while as they thought to themselves. I'm guessing he says I was dangerous and that they shouldn't waste any time to kill me. Hoyt doesn't know about my memory loss, does he?

"You think I wouldn't remember?" I asked, glancing in Adam's direction.

The man and the woman were replying with some kind of response but all of my attention was on Adam.

His eyes opened, as he looked at the two people who still stood at the door. He got up, placing one hand on the wall and the other on his knee. I stopped watching him. I didn't want to make it obvious that he was awake.

I continued to think about Hoyt. He knew that I lost my memories and now he's out to get me.  He might know about my past and what happened that night. But maybe, that's wishful thinking.

Doesn't Adam know Hoyt? Wait, doesn't everyone? So why is Hoyt following me and wanting me to die? What did I do? The more I thought, the more questions I had. I chose to ignore them.

The woman raised her eyebrows before looking at the man. 

"And you know that we can't refuse orders?" The man said, his eyes sparkling with a hint of sadness and a tinge of hope.

I nodded as I looked at the watch Adam gave me one night.

"I don't pity you, don't fill your mind with ideas. You work for the wrong side." I said as I took a step towards them.

I could feel Adam staring at me as I spoke to them. He grabbed a knife from the floor and stabbed the man's right leg. The woman caught on as she turned around to point her gun at him.

Adam froze as the man fell on the floor. The woman didn't glance in my direction but smirked if she was used to this. Years of training I presume.

Without thinking, I rushed towards a beer bottle on the floor. I headed towards the woman, breathed in before swinging the bottle at the woman's head. Adam rolled to cover as the woman shot her gun.

Glass shards scattered around the woman like fractured diamonds as I heard the sharp crack of what I thought was her skull. I never once thought that I would have enough strength to do that after the accident. The man got up and looked at both of us while clenching his fists.

I could feel some of my stitches reopen but I didn’t have the time to care anymore. Warm blood seeped through my clothes as I looked at Adams' shocked face after he warned me not to attack them.

Protecting my eyes, I staggered, not because of the impact but because of what I was feeling. I stopped myself from falling forwards as I stopped putting pressure on myself to remember another memory.

The other woman fell to the floor after the impact. Adam and I looked at each other for a moment before turning away. My heart raced as the man from earlier bolted in my direction.

The man held the knife that Adam used. These were trained fighters. They had the upper advantage and me and Adam were foolish enough to think that we could win.

We can't keep dodging forever. 

My heart felt heavy and my stomach churned at the reminder. I couldn't fight. I needed those memories not only to remember myself and my saviour but to figure out who Hoyt is. Nobody knows what he looks like but everyone knows who he is. The leader of the Rioters. 

That alone was enough for me to fight for this and stay determined but without the skills, would it even be possible? 

The woman kicked Adam in the legs before getting her metal pipe that was on the floor and swung it at Adams head. I warned Adam but I was too late.

He stayed on the floor, blood seeped down his face and his eyes closed. My throat dried as my eyes watered. This is all my fault.  

As I looked at him, the man grabbed my throat. I felt all of the air being sucked out of my lungs as he lifted me up with one hand. He pressed the knife against my stomach. I kicked my legs around, letting my survival instincts kick in. I need to breathe!

Before I knew it, the man lifted his arm and threw his knife at the woman who got up and caught it. She slowly walked towards me, painstakingly slow. My throat and eyes burned- I'm going to die. We're both going to die.

He let go of my throat, I fell to the floor and rubbed my throat while coughing uncontrollably.

Just the thought of dying made me cry silently. We're not going back home. I'll never see Julie or my mother. I won't be able to talk to Ryan or Anna about my past. Everything I have done will go to waste.

Shaking my head, they both looked at me with sinister grins. Breathe. I inhaled once to only be lifted up by the man.

Not again. 

The woman had finally made her way around me. She swung her arm and sliced my back. I felt it dig deep into my body and all of my pain was directed at that one wound. 

Adam moved his head slightly in his unconsciousness. I felt like joining him. I could no longer see anything in the bar. The man dropped me as I fell onto the floor. Everything remained quiet as I tried to reach out for the door.

They grabbed Adam by the legs and pulled him outside. I watched the door close and heard the bell go off before fading into the darkness.

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