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I don't own the art above credits to the artist

This oneshot was a suggestion by jayfeather5150 so thanks for the inspiration! I owe you my life!

-like really fluffy
-a little tiny bit of angst but the fluff makes up for it.
-cheesy because cheesy fluff is the best kind of fluff

Nobody's POV:

Kirishima's hands shook. He really liked- no he really loved Bakugou with all of his heart and he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know if he felt the same way.

He just couldn't bring himself to confess. He needed some kind of reassurance, something to go off of before he said anything. Kirishima gripped his hair.

His thoughts were running rampant.

He shook off thought after thought in decency's favor until he thought of something that could work. He knew Bakugou had a journal or a diary of sorts and he figured that if the blond had any feelings towards him whatsoever he would write them down.

Because after all there was no way anyone could go through life without needing to express themselves in some way.

And luckily for Kirishima, Bakugou had just gone out to get groceries. Kirishima rushed over to his room which luckily Bakugou had left unlocked and creaked open the door just to make 100% sure that Bakugou wasn't there.

He wasn't.

Kirishima tip toed into the room, quietly closing the door behind him and looking around for a journal or, notebook. Knowing Bakugou, he assumed it would be in his drawer.

It was.

Kirishima knew Bakugou too well. With anxious hands, he picked the diary up and flicked through the pages until he got to the fourth page. The entry read:

It's been getting harder to be around him. Day after day I blow him off and isolate myself because I can't shake his smile. It makes my stomach do somersaults and I don't know how much longer I can take it. Sometimes, he'll put his arm around my shoulder or hold my hand and my heart beats so fast I'm sure that he can hear it.

Kirishima was speechless. His fingers traced the page and smudged the neat writing a bit. If he was in love with Bakugou before, he was totally smitten for the blond now.

He couldn't get his hopes up just yet though. Bakugou hadn't been specific about just who he was writing about. With a deep breath Kirishima flipped over to the page before it hoping for some clarification.

This time the entry read:

I've almost forgotten about my feud with Izuku entirely. My mind's been filled with Kirishima. I don't know what this feeling is but I've never felt anything like this. Not even towards my other friends. In an odd way, they can't make my heart jump when they touch me. They can't make my face turn red when they compliment me...

The next line made Kirishima's knees go weak.

I think I've fallen for him.

The red-head wanted to read more, he wanted to know of every little thought that crossed Bakugou's mind, he wanted to know everything about the blond so he kept reading the entries. Each one warmed his heart more than the last.

It's been almost a weak and I've figured out that it's not only 'Kirishima' I've fallen for.

The read head paused. Was Bakugou polyamorous? Who else did he like? He wanted to know more.

I've fallen for all of the little things that he does as well and all the small things that make him himself. Like his shark-y smile and his happy-go lucky attitude. Never in my life would I have imagined myself with someone like him. I think that goes without saying, I'm glad to have met him.

Kirishima felt his face get hot and soon he was on the brink of combustion. Did Bakugou really feel this way or was it just a ruse? It had to be a ruse right?

Kirishima shook his head. He couldn't think that way, he needed to believe that Bakugou's words were sincere if he really wanted to confess.

"I'm going to confront him about it today. I can't wait any longer" Kirishima clutched his fist and walked out of the room with a newfound sense of determination.

He was going to make Bakugou his.

Kirishima sat on his bed and got back to thinking. How was he going to confront Bakugou? Kirishima got another idea and he ran to Bakugou's room again.

Frantically, he flipped through all of the pages in the notebook and left a note on the last page. He left it there on the bed so Bakugou would flip through it and walked away.

Tomorrow, he would confess tomorrow.

——————big time skip—————-

The bell had just rung. Kirishima was so anxious. He knew that the blond liked him, he even had proof but he also knew that Bakugou wouldn't admit his feelings out loud to just anyone.

Kirishima hoped he wasn't 'just anyone' to Bakugou.

Kirishima fiddled with his hands before taking a deep breath and walking over to the gym. He went behind it and waited. He'd asked Bakugou to meet him there which in hindsight was a bit suspicious but he really did try hard not to make the note incriminating.

Then again, Bakugou was Bakugou and he'd hardly ever bail on something like that. He was late but, Bakugou did end up going. He was surprised to have found a troubled red-head sitting there.

"Kirishima?" Bakugou's tone was surprised. Of everyone that could have left the note it was Kirishima.

"Yeah. It was me, I need to tell you something." Kirishima gulped, he was ready for rejection. Bakugou rubbed the nape of his neck and blushed.

"I'm glad it was you, I also wanted to tell you something." Kirishima nodded.

"Look. I don't know how to put this but..." he paused and Bakugou said it with him.

"I like you." They both opened their eyes as wide as they could and stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

Things could finally change for the better.


And there you have it folks, I believe I've lost the ability to write fluff lol

Word count: 1,036

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