Mina's sleepover

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I don't own art above credits to the artist as usual
-a hint of musical reference
-crazy shiplord mina
-sick bakugou
Bakugou POV:

My phone keeps getting blown up with texts. Its annoying as fuck. Mina wants the entire class to come over to her dorm for a sleepover. Long story short, I don't want to go. At all.

The only thing being that Mina is going to keep spamming me until I say yes. As of right now Im trying to watch *insert random show* but I cant really do that because I get fucking texts every five seconds!

I finally decide to just power my phone off and watch it on the tv. I find the show and press play. It was on recently watched so it didn't take long to find.

I hold my pillow to my chest and throw a blanket over my back and head. (To give a visual he is basically doing the igloo thing that people do when they're sick)

I smile slightly at a scene that just came on. I sneeze. My head starts to feel heavy and I sneeze again. Im sick dammit. A wave of nausea hits me and I clutch my stomach in pain.

I walk over to the bathroom and hover over the toilet. I gag and open my mouth. I cant vomit. I cough and clutch my stomach again. I feel horrible.

I walk back over to my bed and flop down on it. I hold my pillow to my face into it. I feel nauseous again. Small tears form in my eyes and I lay down pitifully.

"It hurts so bad" I mutter to myself with a small, weak voice. I want kirishima. I sigh, this means Ill have to deal with mina's spamming. I really want kiri right now though..

I start to lift my arm to pick up my phone but my arm feels really weak. I get a pounding headache and lie back down.

After a while I start to feel my arms and legs get heavier. I grab the remote to my like, one lamp and press random buttons until it turns off then I go to sleep.

*********after nap******************
My nausea feels better but I still have a pounding headache. My light seems so bright. Wait didn't I turn it off-

I sit up and look around, there are people surrounding me on my bed- weird. My vision is still kind of blurry from the intense headache but I can make out that some of the figures are Mina, Kiri, Denki and Sero.

Since kiri is the one sitting the closest to me I plop my head in his lap. I just wanted sleep and Kirishima, why was I invaded? God I hate this friend group. I dont want to think anymore, Ill just go back to sleep.

I close my eyes and get interrupted by mina's loud and obnoxious voice.

"Oh, bakugou you finally woke up!" I flinch, too loud. She takes notice and tries ti lower her voice.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask in a small groggy voice with my head still burried in the middle of Kirishima's lap. I just want them to leave but my head hurts to much to even get them to leave so Ill just have to deal with it.

"Well we kind of- (ittalic is what happened kind of like a flashback not what mina said, sorry if its confusing) "hey guys lets do a ritual-" Mina says with sparkling eyes. Everyone agrees and they begin to set it up.

"Okay so toru, where exactly do you keep the bath bombs?" Mina questions pursing her lips a bit at the end.

"They're in the third shelf to the right of the- oh nevermind,  its confusing ill just show you" Toru states showing Mina to her cabinet full of the bath bombs.

"Perfect." Mina states, rubbing her hamds together maniacally and scooping up a whole arms fill of the bath bombs.

Mina and toru walk back to the main room dropping the bathrooms on the floor. Tokoyami gives a look of confusion as they all begin chanting something along the lines of-

"Cronch, cronch, cronching on the foam, crunching on a bath bomb" they chant it about six times until they hear distant 'Cronching'.

Everyone screams and runs for it.

-did something really stupid" Mina continues. I scoff with my head still in Kirishima's lap.

Everyone is making sort of awkward sounds but I ignore it, who cares. One of them finally speaks, its sero.

"Umm, bakugou your head is kind of on kiri's umm..." what the fuck was that supposed to nean?

Ooooh, I guess I hadnt really noticed where Id set my head... Meh, kiri can deal with my head on his crotch Im too tired to move it. Besides were dating so he can deal.

Mina sqeals and the rest of the group just continues being awkward.

"Could you please just leave, I want to be alone with kiri~" I whine. I try to make it as suggustive as I can so at least some of the group will leave.

I sit up, my head pounding. I look up at kiri with submissive eyes and pretty much everyone (exept kiri) sits with their mouts agape.

"Please stay with me kiri~" I moan towards kirishima. That seems to scare the rest of the group off.

"Have fun!" Mina shouts, leading the rest of the group out of the door. They practically speed out and I chuckle.

"Bakugou, you dont really want to have sex right now do you?" He asks looking me in the eyes with a knowing smirk.

"Not really, I feel sort of sick" I whine at him. He smiles.

"Do you just want to cuddle then?" I nod. He grabs me and holds me in his arms. I make a cat- like purring sound and cuddle up to his chest.

"I love you kiri" I say with a muffled voice due to my face being cuddled into his chest.

"I love you to bakugou" he says pulling me closer to his chest. I feel so warm. And just like that I drift to sleep.


That took too long to make. I really hate my writting style but I cant write any other way so...


Word count: 1,064

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