Kiribaku winter oneshot

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Quick announcement: Okay so I know that it says 'Discontinued' in big, capitalized letters in the title as of now, but I'm kinda getting back into writing and this oneshot collection is a good medium for me to do that so... I'm probably going to keep the discontinued tag there just in case but I don't know maybe things will calm down and I'll be able to spend more time writing. Also, I'm going to do better about making sure consent is clearly stated in my oneshots from now on because I know it hasn't been in the past (namely because I was too lazy to write anything other than cheap snuff) but um...yeah that's all for today, I hope you enjoy! (Also I dropped the anime so please correct me if I write something that's incorrect now lol)

-cheesy? Cheesy.
-wintry oneshots
-gifts and get the idea
-no mineta b/c he's boring, and I probably also forgot some other characters lol

Kirishima watched as Ayoma almost killed himself in an effort to hang the tackiest garland that he'd ever laid eyes on around the window frame. Actually, tacky couldn't even begin to describe it. It looked like it'd been dragged through a landfill several times and it was presumably older than both of his parents.

Huge sections of the abhorrent tassel had been torn off and it was the most hideous reflective green that anyone had ever seen, but all of 1-a kept their mouths shut because incurring Ayoma's wrath had proven in the past to be something worth avoiding.

Kirishima decided to direct his attention elsewhere, if he had to look at the garland any longer, he was sure to say something that would get him killed.

Instead of facing an untimely demise via Ayoma, he watched Uraraka and Tsuyu decorate the tree. Their sense in decor was at least a bit more tame than Ayoma's. Tsuyu was suspended in the air on behalf of Uraraka's quirk, placing a brilliant star tree topper on the tip of the pine tree, and Uraraka was trying hard not to let her fall.

Tokoyami, Izuku, and Iida were hard at work making paper snowflakes. They went through a whole stack of paper before any of them could create something that even remotely resembled a snowflake, but they didn't mind. They were more focused on talking to each other, anyways .

Across the room, Momo and Jirou were decorating wreaths. Momo's wreath was elaborate, she even included poinsettias in hers. Jirou's wreath, on the other hand looked like a gay mess, there was glitter everywhere and she even put an upside down plastic bird on there. Even so, they both looked so happy in each other's company. Jirou smudged glitter on Momo's cheek, and Momo snuck a poinsettia in Jirou's hair with a giggle.

Kirishima sighed, seeing everyone so cheery made him remember just how much he missed Bakugou. There was a lively air in the room, but Kirishima still just moped around in the corner. He was on the verge of crying, actually.

"Hey bro! What are you doing??" Mina poked him in the cheek. Kaminari stood behind her.

"Whoa! Mina check it he about to cry???" Kirishima gave a sniffle of recognition to the both of them and he started to cry, at first, before he couldn't hold it in anymore and he started to wail.

"Bro...are you alright?" Kaminari placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Dude...what happened??!" Mina looked at him worriedly for a second, and as they made eye contact she immediately knew what was wrong. She turned to Kaminari and he gave her a nod.

"'s about that isn't it?" He asked. Mina gave Kirishima a quick once-over to reaffirm her theory.

"Yup, it's definitely about that" She confirmed. The three of them stood there in silence for a minute before Mina and Kaminari couldn't keep a straight face any longer. The two of them began to break out in laughter.

"AHAHA, HES REALLY MOPING BECAUSE BAKUGOU WENT TO THE STORE!!!" Kaminari's face turned red, he was laughing so hard.

"HAHAHA...REALLY IS THIS ALL THAT IT TAKES???!!...pffffttt" Mina was crying from laughing so hard. Kirishima pouted faintly.

"Shut up...that's not why..." he turned his head away from them and stared at the door, instead.

" totally is!" Mina cooed. She happened to thoroughly enjoy teasing Kirishima.

"Dude seriously why don't you just call him?" Kaminari looked at him, puzzled.

"He said...that I couldn't go with him...and that I shouldn't bother calling him..." Kirishima sniffled again. The scene would've been heartbreaking to anyone who lacked its context.

"So what...doesn't he like- always say that? Since when do you care..." Mina raised an eyebrow at him. As sweet as Kirishima was, he happened to be ten times that dumb.

"Since he said I was clingy! And annoying!" At this point, Kirishima's whining had captured everyone's attention. Todoroki glared at him.

"He says that to everyone, but it's clear that he likes you the most. He probably just went to get you a present and didn't want you to see it. He does that sometimes." Todoroki didn't talk much, and when he did say anything it was usually nonsensical jabber that sounded like something a drug addict would shout at pedestrians, but on occasion he would step in and say something profound.

Kirishima was grateful for having been granted some of his infinite wisdom.

"Ah...maybe you're right..." Kirishima muttered. Todoroki shrugged in response and went back to eating the wrappers off of candy canes.

Then, the door opened and...

"Oi, what on earth are you doing in that corner? Are you crying?" Kirishima perked up at the voice and cheered.

"Bakugou!!! You're back!" Kirishima ran towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug. Though Bakugou was bigger than him, Kirishima almost knocked him down.

"Get off of me..." Bakugou blushed. Kirishima complied, and this gave Bakugou a chance to see his face. It was swollen an red from all of the crying.

"Seriously...what were you crying about?" Bakugou patted his head reluctantly, aware that all eyes were on him and Kirishima.

" don't really think I'm annoying, do you???!!" Kirishima looked like he was going to cry again, which left Bakugou with no choice but to reassure him.

"Fine...I don't think you're annoying...but you're definitely clingy..." Kirishima was content with this. After all, he was just crying in a corner over Bakugou's absence, there was no way that he couldn't be considered clingy.

In the end, Bakugou wiped Kirishima's tears and they spent the rest of the evening prepping dinner together for tomorrow's feast.


So that writing actually went pretty smoothly lol, I'll probably end up adding some more oneshots in the future so... do you guys have any like- suggestions or ideas for oneshots that you want me to include?

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT PLS READ, I BEG YOU: I'm thinking of possibly making this an anthology! I think that it would be really cool to see other people's writing styles in a collection, and I feel like it would be easier for authors who are interested in writing, but aren't sure that they want to make an entire book to write oneshots when they want to, anyway, if anyone is interested basically I haven't done anything like this quite yet... but how I hope the process will work is that if you're interested, you could send me your oneshot via Wattpad message and I'd publish it on here and give you writing credit, but unless you wanted me to, it's likely that I wouldn't proofread it, I would only copy+paste it into the book and then put your user link at the top + credits and stuff

That said, please tell me if you're interested in doing this! I would be super happy to include any and every oneshot lol

Thank you for reading!

Word Count: 1,342 words (including an and announcements)

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