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I for once DO own the picture above so yay lol

-a bit of angst
-fluff (more fluff than angst)
-no smut but there are cuddles

Here we go:

Kirishima's POV:

Every night Bakugou is plagued with nightmares, he can't stand being alone in his room when it's dark. Every night I get a call from him and I stay on the phone until he falls asleep or if his anxiety gets that bad- I go over to his house and hold him.

But lately it's been getting out of control.

The voices in his head have grown too loud for his own good. Nearly every night this week I've gotten calls to come over, and been met with a sobbing Bakugou, the warmth of my arms and my presence is no longer enough to even help keep his emotions in check.

I'm at a loss. Seeing his health decline so quickly has taken everything out of me. I'm used to a cocky and stubborn boy, not a vulnerable and submissive one.

The drastic change in personality that he's had in the past few months would be enough to make anyone fear for his health. It's saddening to know that he's had to deal with the weight of the world on his shoulders for so long.

He's only human and human being's can only be put through so much before they succumb to their madness.

I guess Bakugou's insecurities have finally bested him.

A disturbing silence settles over the room. I sit up and stare at the roof worriedly.

I haven't gotten a single call from Bakugou tonight.

It's beginning to bother me. Normally he would have called for me hours ago or at least have given me an update as to how he's doing, what could be making today any different?

I try to call him but his phone goes straight to voicemail. The very thought of something happening to him sends shivers down my spine. Without a second thought I hop into my car and make my way to his house.

I don't even need directions, I have the way to his address encrypted into my brain. My car flys over the speed bumps as I speed recklessly over to Bakugou's house.

In all honesty I wouldn't mind getting a ticket so long as I'm reassured that Bakugou is safe.

Because god, what would I do if he wasn't?

I take a deep breath and steer the wheel harshly to the right due to a sharp turn. A honk coming from a nearby car drags on at me but I couldn't care less

because Bakugou might be in trouble.

And with that thought I slam on the gas with all that I have left in me and make the final sharp turn.

I arrive in Bakugou's neighborhood (speeding of course) and park horribly in front of his house, so horribly in fact that I almost hit his car.

That doesn't matter to me however. I'm about to step in to Bakugou's home, without a clue of what scene is to play out before me. I open the door quietly, as not to draw any attention to myself in the situation that someone else really is in this house. (AN: he has a key because of how often he visits Bakugou's house)

There's only one thing that strikes me as odd...

The lights are off...

And there's soft snoring coming from... Bakugou's room.

Could it be? Is he sleeping? My heart almost bursts at the thought of him sleeping peacefully in his own room, alone. If I'm really correct and he is sleeping then every single effort that I've ever made in anyone's favor will have been worth it.

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