Ethereal Feeling

795 18 4

I don't own the art above credits to the artist-

-s'more fluff
-even more fluff
-this oneshot is just kiribaku fluff so...

Kirishima POV:

It's so fucking cold! I mean I knew that Bakugou liked mountain climbing and that it was going to be bitching cold but goddamn it's way worse than I would have ever expected.

"Bakugou, can we please go back to the tent now." I hear a groan come from the blond.

"Oh suck it up hoe we're almost there." I growl. Bakugou makes sure to walk extra slowly just to taunt me. Since he has a quirk that involves fire he's inherently good at regulating his body temperature but I don't so I'm not.

After about fifteen gruesome minutes we get to the mountain's peak. Actually, it's more like a large hill and the peak looks more like the top of a large hill.

But the view is gorgeous despite it being so small. You can almost see the rooftops of buildings from up here.

"Pretty, isn't it?" The blond looks down at the view ethereally with wonder in his eyes. He looks so pretty under the moonlight. I have such a strong urge to take his hand and kiss his lips but I hold back.

I've never told him my feelings and as such I don't know if he'd accept me for my sexuality. He doesn't seem dumb enough to hate anyone for how they identify but I've been deceived so many times by people who I thought were my friends that I really don't know how to trust people anymore.

I've lost so many people who I thought loved me by coming out, like my parents for example. They'd always taught me to love people by how they treat you not for what they are. They always said that as long as you're kind nobody would care how your beliefs differ from theirs.

Yet when I came out to them they practically disowned me. They'd tell me that being gay was a myth and that I was perfectly straight, they told me that my sexuality was just a phase.

Because though they weren't outright homophobic, they were still against the idea of being gay.

And even though I don't think Bakugou will be the same. I don't know for sure and I don't want to hear him say that he doesn't love me back.

I don't want a love that's unrequited.

I stare at the blond and notice that the soft moonlight has illuminated his features with a hue of very light yellow. His eyes look especially gorgeous.

He doesn't look troubled at all, he looks so at ease. I wonder what he's thinking about that makes his expression so fond and pure.

"Hey Kirishima." He speaks while looking up at the stars soberly. I look at him waiting for a response "do you think that the stars ever look like they're going to fall?"

I chuckle.

"They do look pretty close don't they?" He doesn't say anything back for a while, he just keeps looking up at the sky.

"Yeah." It's funny how pure he looks even though just fifteen minutes ago he was cursing me out. Now the urge to kiss him has grown even stronger.

I suck it up. If he doesn't like me back then he doesn't like me back and if he hates me for what I am then he was a shitty friend from the start.

I just need to get this weigh off of my chest and move on.

"Bakugou." I get his attention and rush to put my lips on his. I expect him to push me away but he only pulls me in and kisses me back. I pull away and look into his eyes lovingly. We gaze into each other's eyes for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Kirishima! I'm so happy, I thought that you didn't like me back!" He pounces onto me and pulls me in for a big hug he cries onto my shoulder.

"Thank you Kirishima, thank you so much." He hugs me tighter and I return the gesture.

"God, I'm so glad that you like me back because  if you didn't I don't know where I'd be right now." He holds my hand.

"Kirishima, I've liked you for such a long time and I wanted to tell you that right now but I just couldn't say it —-the words just wouldn't leave my mouth."

"I'm glad that I made the first move then." I tease.

"I'm glad you did too."  We walk around the top of the mountain for a bit. There's a small coffee stand that we stop at.

And then we sit and watch the stars with intertwined hands for hours. We cuddle closer and drink our hot chocolates without a single word because being there with each other feels like enough.

The stars are so bright compared to the darkness of the sky. They look like they're about to pop out of their place in the sky, I know what Bakugou meant by the stars looking like they're about to fall.

"Hey Bakugou, will you be my...boyfriend?" He laughs happily.

"Sure. What'd you think we were?" I smile at him.

"I just needed some clarification." He laughs and goes to throw away his cup. When he gets back I pull him in for a kiss.

This must be what bliss feels like.


I'm so fucking stressed right now so I'm sorry if that chapter was rushed (it only took like 40min to write lol) and I'm sorry that it's so short. I hope y'all are doing good with all of the madness going on right now.

Stay safe my dudes.

Word count: 966 (fuck this chap was short as hell)

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