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I don't own the art above credits to the artist as usual

-college shit
-underaged drinking
-frat party ft uke Bakugou

Enjoy! (I didn't revise this at all so I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical errors and I prolly won't make a p.2)

Nobody's POV:

His head hurt and his back was aching, he couldn't remember a single thing aside from the blaring music and indistinct conversations that could be heard in the living room, everything else was hazy.

Bakugou found himself lying down with a collar that was messily tucked in and a button up shirt that was undone all the way to the seam lying down on a lumpy couch in somebody else's trashed flat.

It must've been a party.

That much could be derived from all of the mystery stains on the floor and the groans of hungover college kids who had just woken up and realized that they'd made a huge mistake coming here. Bakugou felt bad for the poor kid who decided that it would be a good idea to host a party with a bunch of horny rowdy adolescents.

"Holy fuck guys Mr...." and Bakugou couldn't make out the rest, his head was spinning and his ears had begun to ring so loudly that he could barely hear anything aside from the heavy footsteps of students trying to get back to their respective rooms before they could get in trouble but judging by the tone of voice he guessed that a teacher had already come and tried to get some students in trouble.

Either that or one of their teachers had come by word of some other nerd complaining about the noise and ended up sleeping with one of their students. Sadly, it was probably the latter, things like that happened all of the time, "drunken mistakes" were common.

"Fuuuuuck" Bakugou groaned rubbing his head and lugging his body over to the kitchen to make himself a glass of water before his headache worsened to the point of no return.

Not even ibuprofen could save him then.

Bakugou turned the sink on not even bothering to use the water from the small water purifier that he was sure was hidden somewhere in the fridge (every dorm was issued one, the water wasn't exactly safe) and took sips out of his glass before frantically swinging cabinet doors open to find the ibuprofen or whatever other medicine they had that could cure his hangover enough to form a single coherent thought.

"Ah!" Bakugou exclaimed half-heartedly when he found a teeny bottle of pills by the sink, Bakugou picked them up and to his surprise the label read in big bold letters 'ibuprofen'.

Bakugou let out another small cheer before opening the bottle (which proved to be quite the ordeal actually because it was child proof and Bakugou's headache prevented him from noticing this until what was probably the fifth time he'd tried to open it) and popped two pills.

The relief of course, did not come immediately so it was sure that when another one of his hungover friends swung a hand around his shoulder that he jumped a little bit.

"Oh, sorry did I scare you." Bakugou was a little angry but the feeling subsided when he caught a glimpse of Shouto's bed head. Strands of red and white hair alike tangled together in one huge knot atop his head and only two strands of his bangs were freed from the knot.

"Mnh, what happened to you?" Bakugou sneered in a tired tone. Shouto tilted his head and looked at him weirdly, surely he could feel the knot, right?

"What do you mean?" Apparently not. Bakugou chuckled underneath his breath and poured shouto a glass of water arguing that he really "needed it before he looked in the mirror" and walked off to go find his shoes which he'd lost somewhere amidst all of the chaos.

Bakugou looked everywhere but he couldn't find his shoes or even his phone for that matter so he just gave up.

"Oi, if any of you find my phone I'm in the fourth frat to the right. Bring it back to me I'm too tired to look for it...Also there's ibuprofen by the sink, take some of it because I don't want to hear you losers bitching and moaning all day. Bye." And with that Bakugou left, shoeless, phoneless, and upholding his reputation as the class mom.

Bakugou walked back to his dorm, (flinching during every step because not only did his head still pound faintly but the carpet in the hallway was painted with so many different substances that it could be considered modern art) and jimmied the lock open with a mysterious safety pin pinned to his waistband.

Thank god his dorm wasn't trashed.

Usually, it was tradition to scurry off to the nearest dorm when a teacher arrived and hang out there until it was safe to come out but the teacher must've just slept with a student this time because his dorm looked spotless; exactly how he'd left it.

"Thank god." Bakugou groaned before leaving his door cracked and crashing on his couch. It wasn't long before boisterous snoring could be heard from down the hall.

Bakugou was fast asleep.





Bakugou shot awake, how long had he been asleep for? He turned his head to the door that was still slightly creaked open and yawned.

"Come in!" He shouted before stretching out and getting up to see just who knocked on his door so early in the morning. It was a red-haired man who he'd shared a couple of classes with.

His name was 'Kirishima' or something along those lines.

"Good morning..." the man trailed off, shoving a phone and what looked to be a house key at Bakugou in a short of nervous, rushed manner and darting his eyes anywhere that wasn't Bakugou's face.

"Good morning. Oh, thanks." Bakugou yawned again before gesturing to the big room behind him.

"I don't share it with anyone if you'd like a drink or something." Kirishima nodded once again trying to avoid looking Bakugou in the eyes for whatever reason and taking a seat on his somewhat less lumpy and stained sofa.

"Does tea sound good?" Bakugou asked while turning on the kettle, Kirishima nodded. Since Bakugou hadn't bothered to button his shirt back up, it was still undone and one of the sleeves had begun to drift off of his shoulder exposing a tiny bit of his chest and neck that was covered in hickeys and bite marks.

When Bakugou returned with his tea, Kirishima gulped. It was only fair for him to have come here right?

After all, he was the one responsible for the hickeys.


I'm sorry but I'm so lazy that I refuse to make a p.2 anytime soon TwT

This literally only took 30 minutes to write lmao

Word count: 1,137

kiribaku oneshots [DELAYED UPDATES?]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang