The Parlor p.2

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-continuation of the previous oneshot

Bakugou POV:

Wow I got such a hot tattoo artist, is he a top? No hes definitely a bottom. He will be fun to tease.

The man takes me to his office and opens the door for us both I walk in and he sits me down, I take a look around the room and notice the man had no pictures of anyone else in his office. So hes single huh...

"So..uh, are there any tattoos that you want to get today?" He asks with that shaky voice from earlier.

"You know forget the tattoo, I think I want you more" he blushes aggressively and averts his gaze. I hear him gulp. God, he really is a bottom...

"R-really" he asks a bit shaken up. Im guessing he doesn't get this alot. (AN: no shit.) He is still blushing and its undeniably adorable.

"So, what do you say?" I lean closer until my lips are on his ear...

"Will you let me?" My hot breath lands directly on his ear. I feel a shiver going up his spine. His lips are shaky and he tries to speak.

"N-not r-right no-ow" he says trying his hardest not to give in to me right then. I pull my mouth away from his ear and tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"So later then?" I ask in the most innocent sounding voice I can muster. He nods his head yes.

"Great, see you then~" I say as I proceed to lick his ear and slip a piece of paper with my adress on it into his pocket. (AN: just don't ask why he had that in the first place..) I walk out of the door, leaving behind me a very flustered man.

I never did catch his name. Whatever Ill ask him later. I think to myself as I continue to walk off out of the parlor to my motorcycle. That was fun.

I throw one of my legs on the other side of the seat then I put my helmet and jacket on, I place my key in the ignition. I twist the front bars and step on the pedals I speed down the road and the motorcycle leans with my weight.

I pass by other cars as fast as I can. I am really desperate to get home. I mean, Ive just invited a hot guy over to my house to fuck and I didn't even clean! Oh right, I have like 5 hours...

What the fuck ever! Four hours isnt that much when you're cleaning your dirty ass apartment...

I drive for quite a while until I finally reach my apartment. I place my key in the door and twist it. I open the door and check the time 12:00pm.

I sigh, this should be fun... I say to myself and enter my dirty apartment.

Kirishima POV:

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! The ash blonde, he wants to...

I feel my face heat up at the thoughts of what he gave me his adress for...


My mind screams the words over and over again. I cant shake the thoughts that run rancid throughout my mind. Im not gonna be able to successfully complete any work today.

My hands wander down to my pockets containing the paper that the ash blonde slipped into my pocket earlier. My heart's a flutter and he won't leave my mind... hes made me into a mess...

And I love it.

^^^^^^^^^^^time eskip^^^^^^^^^^^^

I skip down the hall and swing my arms, Im never this happy...

"HEY MINA, YOU WANT ME TO CLOSE TODAY OR WILL YOU?" I shout at the pink- haired girl.


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