The king's assistant

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I don't own the art above again lol.

-fantasy au (kinda)
-maybe smut
-short innocent Bakugou cuz that shits cute aight
-pervert Kirishima

Kirishima POV:

Work is exhausting, the king has me run down to every place imaginable to get god knows what. As of today, 'god knows what' is just some water from a nearby stream.

Birds sing and light dances across a green hill, trees sway with a tranquil breeze and the smell of spring is everywhere. It's so familiar and comfortable. The sun hits my cold skin and I hum in delight at the warm sense it gives.

I nestle into my red cloak and let out a murmur of dissatisfaction remembering that I was sent to get water for the king. I look around the stream and squint my eyes to find the cleanest spot.

My eyes settle on a clear patch glistening from where the sun has hit it at the right angle. I smile as I trot happily over to the little patch of water in the stream.

I grab the pail from my coat and swoop up a large amount of the clean stream water. I pick up the pail and skip over to the little village. I greet the villagers on my way up to the large castle-like home on the top of the hill.

The pail of water sloshes around as I come to an abrupt stop in front of the gigantic castle doors. My feet sway across the smooth wooden ground before the door as it is swung open by a short blonde.

His face bears an intimidating scowl as his eyes wander up to my face. I chuckle a little at the blonde... he's cute.

"State your name a-and business h-here" the blonde tries to puff out his chest and he bite his lip to be intimidating. It doesn't work, it just makes him cuter. I swoon at the angry blonde and he in return blushes.

I give him a gaze of admiration before finally I respond with lighthearted laughter.

"I'm Kirishima Ejirou, the kings personal assistant sir!" My response leaves the short blondes mouth agape and he scrambles to regain his composure.

"I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced you sir! Katsuki Bakugou at your service!" My lips curve upwards into a terrible smirk as I gaze down at the short housekeeper that calls himself Katsuki.

With katsuki's kiss- ass behavior, I bet I could get him to do quite a few interesting things for me.

Okay, so maybe my thoughts are getting a little bit perverse here but he's just so cute and the everyday life around this castle is so booooooring...

I pry my thoughts away from the boy and go to bring the pail of water to the king. I slouch in anger as I walk down the long corridors. I give a groan of dissatisfaction when I finally reach the King's door.

I knock half- assedly and wait for someone to open the door. I listen closely and hear the king say the one thing I'd hoped wouldn't happen today.

"It's unlocked, you may enter" I try my hardest to suck it up and make it look like I hadn't been moping around and then I state my name and business once more.

The king only sighs in response.

"Very well, set the pail down here then. And be on your merry way- you have the rest of the day off" I thank the king, suppressing a cheer and leave his room.

Yay! Now I can look for the Katsuki again!

He was dressed like a housekeeper so he must be around here somewhere...

I peek in the halls, trying to catch a glimpse of the black pants and black apron (AN: Katsuki's outfit is basically just a waiter outfit :p)

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