Unexpected encounter- kiribaku

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I don't own art above credits to the artist as usual

-kiribaku (even though the pic is todobaku srry I couldn't find a better one lol)
-bakugou has an... unexpected part time job :p

Bakugou POV:

I hear my phone ring. I groan in anger as I lift up the phone and check the caller ID. Its my mom. We got into somewhat of a large fight over the weekend so I am not looking forward to hearing what she has to say.

I click on the 'answer' button. Here we go.

"Katski Bakugou, me and your father are tired of you being an unappreciative brat. In an effort to whip you into shape we have decided we will no longer pay for your dorm."

I hesitate to answer.


"Get a job bitch." My mom responds coldly. She leaves me with my mouth agape and ends the call.

I hold my hand in my head. How the fuck am I going to get a job in like- thirty days?

I lay down and take a moment to recollect myself. I take a deep breath. Im going to have to start looking for a job right now if I want to keep this dorm.

I grab my phone and click the 'google' button. I type in 'jobs nearby'. So begins my quest to find a job.

*********thirty minutes later********

Uuuuuuuugh, why is life so hard. I applied for like twelve (three in reality) different jobs and got rejected each time!

Im only sixteen so, there aren't many jobs I can do for actual pay. Not only that but I have no experience.

Just as I lay sulking I see my phone light up and hear it make a 'ping' noise as if I got a notification. Hmm I wonder what that could be?...

Curious, I click the notification. Its an ad for sixteen year olds who want jobs... it looks a bit sketchy but, Im desperate.

I am taken aback by what I see. An ad for a maid cafe!!! I think this might be my only option. The hours are flexible and they pay pretty well...

I sigh and click on the apply button. This should be fun. I reach meet all of the criteria. I schedule an interview for 8:30 tomorrow morning.

What a ride this will be. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I rest my head on my pillow and pull the blanket up to my chest. I let sleep take me.

*****time skip to morning*****

I wake up with a dim light shinning on my face. I groan in annoyance realizing that my job interview is today.

I roll out of bed and check the time '7:30' fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Im going to be late if I dont hurry. I spring out of bed and grab a towel. Today is going to suck ass.

I rush to the shower and turn the nozzle to a decently hot tempature, not bothering to turn it to the temperature I desired. Hell, I was trying my best to get a job... I cant be late for an interview!

I turn the knob off aggressively and step out of the shower. I quickly dry myself off and wrap the towel on my hair. I pray silently that my hair doesn't smell sour.

As I am drying myself off in the main shower room, I get a couple of blank stares from deku and todoroki whom had just been showering together. They probably think im judging them but, honestly I couldn't care less. Im literally going to apply for a job at a maid cafe.

As soon as I get back to my room. I shut the door and rummage trough it for something decent to wear. I finally just throw on a black tee shirt with jeans and a pair of black converse.

I grab a random backpack in case I need to take the uniform back and wash it or some shit. I speed out of the door over to a train station and place my pass on the scanner.

The small gate opens and I run super fast trying not to miss my train. I finally get on the train and pant heavily. I was panting hard before but now im panting like there's no tomorrow.

Beads of sweat slide down my forehead as I think hard about the upcoming decision. 'What would my classmates think if they were to see me working at a maid cafe.'

I sigh. Some "pro- hero" I am. After this on my records ill be lucky to even get a job as a stripper.

The train comes to a halt, interrupting my thoughts and the doors begin to open. Without hesitation I run out of the doors and make my way up the stairs to the cursed maid cafe at the end of the street.

I open the door and see that there are very few people at work today. I am greeted by a black haired man who introduces himself as Taka.

I introduce myself as well and we shake hands.

"So, what are you doing here...?" He asks raising a brow, smirking.

"I was here for the interview..." I say awkwardly. His glasses practically light up and he smiles.

"You seem to look the part... when can you start?" He asks with a voice full of hope.

"Whenever you want me to." I respond unemotionally.

"Good. Um, as you can see we are shot on people. So if you want to start today you'll get paid on the 25th."

"Cool. Ill start today." He smiles.

"Thanks youre a lifesaver, heres the uniform wish you luck!" He shows me to the changing rooms and then leaves.

Today is going to be a long ass day.

Kirishima POV:

Mina invites me to join her at a cafe for breakfast and well, who am I to say no?

We get in her small black jeep and start driving  to the cafe. Funny, I dont remember any part of town that looked like this...

After a little bit of driving mina parks in front of a small pink building. It looks cute. We walk in and sit sown. I see a couple of people in maid outfits.

I shrug it off, they could just be some cosplayers. I pick up the menu. I nearly faint out of shock at what its titled. 'The Maid Cafe".

Goddamit mina! Im gonna look like some dirty old perv if anyone sees me here.

Suddenly I hear a familiar monotone voice speak.

"Hello, is there anything you want to eat toda- KIRISHIMA!!!" He screams the last part in shock.

I look up to see the familiar angry blonde in a black and white frilly maid dress. It surprisingly shapes him well. He has nice curves.

His face turns red and he grabs my shirt collar-

"Kirishima, I fucking swear to god... if you tell another living soul what you saw right now I will annihilate your entire bloodline."

Mina snickers as I nod. He looks hot in that dress.


Thanks for reading my horrid abomination of a wattpad story. I hope u liked it, sorry there wasn't much kiribaku.


Word count: 1,021

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