A dumb ass gang au

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I don't own the art above credits to the artist

-just a gang au
-no quirks
-kiribaku (not really tho)
-Kirishima's an angry boi
-Kirishima's hair is black and he tol
-kinda toxic
-fite me
-angst but like eh

Nobody's POV:

By the time Bakugou got to the hospital, the blood had already reached his fingertips and was dripping onto the floor. The gunshot wound was on his shoulder and it ached with every movement he made.

The people in the hospital's lobby whipped their heads around to see who had entered the building so suddenly but when they saw the man gripping onto his bloody shoulder they ran to his aid without a second thought.

Bakugou was grateful for the hospital that was conveniently located almost right next to the alleyway where he was shot. He guessed that it might've just been a coincidence but then again maybe it was just the other gang's way of being able to locate him while he was still weak.

Either way he knew that he couldn't stay at the hospital for long.

His vision was beginning to blur and his hearing was starting to become a little hazy. He was panicking a bit but who could blame him? The wound was pretty deep and with the rain pouring down, it stung horribly.

A couple of doctors ran at him with stretchers but he argued that he could walk to the hospital room himself. The doctors didn't dare defy him and though they hovered over his back a little, they still let him hold on to his pride and walk there.

—————-t i m e s k i p——————

The surgery was lengthy and gruesome. It seemed to be a pretty standard procedure and it probably could have been if Bakugou wasn't so dammed stubborn.

He refused to let them use anesthesia on him for a good five minutes before the doctors unanimously decided to sedate him. The bullet was lodged fairly deep into his shoulder but it was still able to be removed within a couple of hours.

When Bakugou finally woke up he was lying in a hospital bed. He wasn't pleased, that and he was still coming down from his previous high.

He wasn't sure exactly what he was on but anyone could have guessed that those were some expensive drugs because all of his limbs were numb and he could barely lift a finger.

'Kirishima's going to kill me for this one.'

The blond chuckled and looked down at the iv in his arm.

'Damn, better make a break for it while I still can, this shit looks like it's going to be expensive'

Bakugou knew that he wasn't going to be able to leave now though, he was too weak and he suspected that after the lingering effects of the drugs faded, he was going to be sore.

So he only spent his time trying to think of a way to sneak out without being noticed. He figured that it would be quite the ordeal actually.

Not paying your hospital bills is quite the felony. But he figured that so long as he could get out, Kirishima's men would be right there to save his ass. Surely they had gotten word of his being shot by now.

It was likely that they were waiting out at a building not to far from the hospital. They were a gang after all. Though they were at the top they weren't rich and there'd been so many times when they'd walked into a hospital under a false name and fled the building as to avoid the bills.

The hospital bills were always over the top expensive because when one of Kirishima's men went to the hospital it was for something fatal.

Bakugou turned his head to the window and bit his lip with a groan.

"Fuck, Kirishima I know you're out there. I love you, please hurry up and find me." Bakugou whispers as his eyelids grow heavy and sleep takes him.

When he wakes up he shrieks. There in front of him stands his 6'2" boyfriend with his long black hair down and his clothes neat. Had he been trying to look presentable?

Bakugou began to shake. He didn't want to make Kirishima angry, ever. Because when Kirishima is angry, he's angry. Kirishima used to never get angry at him back when they were in high school but then Bakugou began to ignore the red-head.

At first it wasn't intentional but later on Bakugou felt as though Kirishima had been pestering him relentlessly so he just tried his best to ignore him. And then Kirishima's parents died.

And Bakugou didn't even know. They were so distant from each other that they weren't even up to date on their lives.

Kirishima had enough. He began to lose his temper and lash out at Bakugou during the few times that they would hang out. Bakugou only got closer to Kirishima because of fear.

They didn't even have a love-hate relationship. It was only hate and the little hit of hope for love that Bakugou had held onto for so many years.

Kirishima walked towards Bakugou with crossed arms.

"I'd gotten word from my men that you'd been shot and it was a fatal wound but it doesn't look so 'fatal' up close... you can walk, now come on and remove that iv so we can leave." Kirishima commands in an exasperated tone.

Their relationship was mostly about Kirishima getting revenge on Bakugou for never being by his side. There was a bit of love in their relationship but it was unrequited.

Bakugou knew that defying him was a bad idea,  as it usually resulted in someone being sent to the hospital. Encounters with an angry Kirishima were rarely ever pleasant.

Bakugou sighed and ripped the iv out of his arm. He flinched in pain and sat up. His eyelids were still heavy and he wanted to go back to sleep but there was no way that he was going to get any rest now.

The two walked downstairs right to the exit and nobody said a word. Kirishima gave them a cold glare while he walked alongside Bakugou and nobody dared to speak, not even the woman at the front desk.

Tonight wasn't going to be a good one.


Oki I might make a part 2 for this oneshot but idk...

//this version is unedited//

Word count: 1,078

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