How Unprofessional

932 14 2

I don't own art above credits to the artist as usual uwu

-policeman au
-suuuuper gay
-non consensual smut

Kirishima POV:

Bakugou chuckles. I look to my side in confusion and see that he is flirting with the new girl. She giggles at his weak joke and places her head on his chest.

I groan in annoyance and roll my eyes. Stupid playboy. I get up from the couch in the mainroom to go and grab a coffee. I walk mindlessly over to the coffee machine and pour myself a drink.

God I hate having Bakugou as a partner. He never does his work and ontop of this he is always flirting with random girls. Its not like I really care, it just gets annoying.

I sigh and take a sip of my coffee to calm my nerves. Holding the cup with both hands, I debate whether or not to return to the couch or just go to my office.

I decide on the second option and start heading for my office. I pull a key out of my pocket and open the door to the office. I step in and close the door back setting my coffee down on the desk and sitting in the black rolling chair.

I pull out a random magazine and start reading it. I prop my feet up onto the desk and start relaxing in my seat when I hear the unmistakable sound of a girl crying.

Looks like Katsuki's over her already.

He choses a girl who he wants revenge on and he toys with them until they're heartbroken. I guess it brings him some disgusting since of validation. He's not even into girls, he just gets bored.

The worse thing is, he does this at work! He is truly a tease and in the end there's nothing I can do about it. Though, Its the girls fault for trusting him, nearly everyone here knows the rule 'don't fall for Katsuki' therefore if you do, its your mistake.

I shake my head and turn the page on the magazine. It wasn't an important article that I was reading, just one that would actually pass time. There's really not much to do here until you're given a mission.

I raise a brow at the questionable information of the article and bring the cup of coffee to my lips and take another sip. I set the cup down and continue reading.

I hear the door creak open and I peek from the corner my eye to see who has  entered my office. Its Katsuki, just the man I didn't want to see right now.

I set my magazine down and give him a glare.

"What do you want? You get tired of the new girl?" I tease. He shrugs his shoulders and locks the office door behind him.

"Well yes, that and... I wanted to see you right now." He says sternly. My eyes widen at the dominance in his voice at the last part.

He brings his body closer to mine and puts his lips to my ear. I shiver at the sudden contact as he opens his mouth to continue speaking and releases a hot breath onto my ear.

"I didn't deny her because she wasnt pretty, I did it because I was horny for you instead." He whispers, sliding his hand up my shirt.

I try to swat his hand away but he just grabs my wrist and pins me onto the desk. My cheeks flush red and I squirm under him, trying to escape from his grasp.

"L-let me go!" I stutter angrily squirming more agressively. His eyes flash with lust and his lips curve upwards into a twisted grin.

"Well, Im afraid I can't do that. You see I havent been this exited for you in a while" he pauses catching his breath and leaning foreward " and I dont think Ill be able to contain myself any longer~"

He licks my exposed neck and I  moan softly. He grins again and starts to move the hand under my shirt while using the other one to keep my wrists pinned over my head.

He attacks my neck, bitting and leaving big red marks all over it. He licks over the marks and I whine.

"P-please stop" I say with a weak voice as he unbuttons my shirt to get a better look at my chest. He doesn't listen. Instead he makes more marks all over my body. They feel disgusting.

Tears well up in my eyes and I sniffle silently. Maybe I liked Katsuki, but I haven't had time to figure it out. I dont know if I want him, I dont know just yet. My sobs get louder and he once again doesn't acknowledge them.

Maybe I like him. But, I don't think I can fall prey to his seduction just yet. I dont really have an idea of his true intentions- not right now. I can't love him yet. Does he just want to use me? Does he just want to throw me away like all of the others? Or, did he really mean what he said, does he really want me?

I feel a hand remove my boxers and rub me. I shudder at his touch. His siren eyes enthrall me and I moan under him. He removes his clothes leaving me a chance to escape.

I have a chance to run, to go look for help, to stop him. I have a chance to leave- but I stay. I don't know what's come over me, I know I wont have another opportunity like this one but- I don't want to go.

I want to feel more of his touch. I want to believe  there's a reason that he's here. I want to believe I brought him here. I curse myself under my breath as It seems Ive done the unspeakable

I've fallen for Katsuki

how unprofessional.


UWU another chapter finished. I re-wrote this like 3 times. It was really fucking hard to write so its shorter than usual. Welp-


Word Count: 1,021

kiribaku oneshots [DELAYED UPDATES?]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora