The King's Assistant p.2

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I don't own the art above, credits to the artist uwu.

This oneshot was requested by Bluepineapple420 so thank you for requesting mah guy! 😊

-smol innocent Bakugou x perv Kirishima
-fantasy au
-really explicit because Bakugou is innocent and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about

Bakugou POV:

I sit in front of the tall red head panting heavily. I'd never asked anyone to touch me before... it felt... nice? I wonder if what he did was some sort of a healing procedure? If so why did he preform it on me?

Oh! I get it! The sticky stuff that came out of me is medicine for him! Since Kirishima looked happy afterwards the medicine must work really well! I've got to tell the king about this! I may have just made the medical discovery of a lifetime!

Oh, I can just picture it now! I'll live a life of fame and fortune! But... I don't think I'm cut out to be a doctor. Besides, the procedure that Kirishima did was exhausting! I sigh and spot ruby- red orbs gazing down at me hungrily.

"Huh? What is it? Did the medicine not work?" Kirishima looks confused.

"Wha? What medicine?" He tilts his head to the side with a conflicted look on his face. I guess not everyone considers this medicine? I'll just have to explain it to him.

"Yeah! I guess it's some new medicine type thing! I mean- when that sticky white stuff came out of me you looked less sick a-and overall better!" His jaw drops in disbelief.

"Bakugou- that's not- huh, never mind" he just smiles a weak smile and gets up.

"I've got stuff to do okay, I'll be back soon." He speaks and then with the life draining out of his eyes, he opens the door and leaves the room.

"Wait!" I call out watching the red head shoot his eyes towards me. "You don't look too well, do you need more medicine?" He chokes on air.

"Um- not right now but maybe later tonight~" I smile.

"Okay!" I shout waving to him as he walks off with a smirk on his tanned face. I run back into my room, put on a new uniform and get back to cleaning.

I scrub the carpet as hard as I can and then go on to clean the rest of the room. Once I've finished I'm beat. I take a quick rest on the bed once more and then am woken up by intense shaking. I open heavy eyelids and see a pink woman hovering over me. My mood immediately sours, Mina.

"What do you want?" I ask the energetic raccoon eyed girl. She rolls her large yellow pupils and then directs a pouting face at me.

"Bakugou! Stop being mean!" I give her the coldest glare I can.

"I'm not being mean, I just wanted to know why you were here." I respond with an uneasy expression. She softens up.

"Oh right! Heh... sooooo, to get to the point , who was that hottie that left ya room? He was smirking as though y'all just did the frickle frackle"

"Mina- I- What are you on about?" She smirks.

"Oh, I forget how innocent you are, just forget about what I said..." a terrifying glint flashes across her large yellow eyes and a twisted grin forms on her lips.

"Hmmm" she giggles "what's his name? Surely you must know." I raise a brow.

"It's Kirishima you insomniac." She chuckles.

"Yep he looks like the kinda guy that'd bang ya' down and dirty"  I give her a confused snarl and sit up slowly from my spot on the bed.

"I don't know what you're going on about but sure now leave me alone." She gives me a look that says 'really' and with a sigh she continues.

"Jesus fucking Christ you're dense. Did you guys have s-e-x?!" Unsure of what she means I just give her a wave saying 'yes and go away, I'm not interested' and then plop back on the bed to finish my daily nap (that was interrupted twice mind you!).

I hear terrifying gremlin laughter as I try to fall asleep and groan in displeasure. I pick up the soft pillow that I had previously been laying my head on and throw it at the energetic pink haired mage.

"Could you please stop laughing, I'm trying to sleep, moron." I mumble, seeing that she gives me a soft glance and continues dying of laughter.

I pout and use all of my self control not to just punch the insane mage but I manage to hold back and just let out a sigh. While she's here, I might as well disclose all of the information about my new medical discovery to her.

"I bet ya did nothing huh didn't ya shortie!?" She teases looking down on me with a freakish smile. I fight back my own, quite pleased with my discovery and ready to share it.

"Actually raccoon- eyes" I pause, my voice tented with a taunting tone "I've had quite the productive day, so productive actually that it might just leave your pink little mage jaw wide open!" I respond sassily while watching the raccoon eyes lift a brow.

"Oh, really" she teases " what made your day so 'productive' ey?" I grin madly.

"Well Mina I happened to make an important medical discovery" I say smugly. She laughs and directs a loving motherly- like gaze towards me.

"Mhm and what exactly was that?" I smile as I begin delivering my response.

" I found out that with the help of Kirishima I can make a-" I am cut off by the sound of an opening door followed by an unholy screech.

"Bakugou, maybe you shouldn't tell people about your 'medical discovery'" he speaks hesitantly and I tilt my head in confusion like a cat.

"Huh? Whaddya mean?" He just lets out an awkward laugh and rubs the nape of his neck while looking at Mina inquiringly.

"Has he always been this innocent?" He mouths to the alien looking raccoon eyes and she nods her head with a sigh.

"Yep, always."


Welp there ya go Bluepineapple420 , I hope ya liked it! 🦑❤️ lol

Word count: 1,042

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