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I don't own the art above, credits to the artist.

-as you could probably tell there is going to be some HEAVY smut so if ya don't like that kind of stuff or you don't like the way that I write it you don't have to read
-more uke Bakugou!
-masochist Bakugou
-sadist Kirishima
-maybe some wax play
-(it's a long one)

Without further ado, here's the chapter:

Nobody's POV:

Bakugou's body was shaking. He was cold and tired but more than anything he was hurt and hungry. The wound on his side had torn a bit making it a chore to move around.

He chose to do it anyways though.

Why? Because he was cold and needed a place to stay for the night. Luckily for Bakugou however, he was gorgeous and that usually got him a place to stay— at least for the night.

He'd been down this road a thousand times and has basically mastered the art of seduction. What he does now some might consider prostitution.

He has sex with men and women alike in exchange for a place to sleep and- well, food. It wasn't like his lifestyle was difficult or anything, he was fed, he did get to take baths and so on.

Tonight however was something different.

He had a fresh wound on his side that he assumed needed to be tended to immediately. He'd had his fun picking at the skin around it and watching the blood trickle down his thigh in amusement but it was starting to hurt now and it hadn't been cleaned.

Bakugou shivered harshly. He clutched the wound on his side and watched as it bled trough his shirt and onto his fingers. He was beginning to feel dizzy.

Abruptly, he held it together, kept his composure. He looked around the neighborhood and spotted a decently large house painted white with a golden trim- which looked to be real.

He stared up at it in awe. The way the house towered above the majority of the other buildings gave it a sort of regal look. Well that and the fact that it was practically a mansion what with the golden trim and all.

The air was stolen from his lungs as he frayed his hair and stood in the rain to smear the dirt around his face a bit. He walked towards the house silently, (almost too silently for his weight and all of the water on the ground ) and rang the doorbell.

He forced himself to pull the most pitiful expression that he could as the door opened. Keeping up his act was hard when he saw that maids opened the door. He wasn't particularly looking for sex with a female today, much less a maid but he wasn't complaining— he would do what he had to do to survive in this world.

He decided to stop thinking so loudly and silence his thoughts in order to carry out his usual plan. Without a second thought, Bakugou let out a pitiful cough and looked one of the maids in the eyes.

"I- I'm so cold, could you let me in?" He stretched the truth just a tiny bit- enough to construct a believable lie that he could somehow make seductive.

The maid looked at him with worried eyes. She wasn't a young lady per say and it looked as if she'd caught on to what he was doing. Nevertheless, he continued to stare up at her with glimmering eyes full of what others could only take as 'hope'

"Oh dear, come on in, take a seat on this couch I'll tend to your wounds and ask the master if you can stay here for the night." The woman spoke in a soft voice, it was comforting. She had green hair with small stripes of silver in it. Bakugou nodded and watched her walk away to the medicine cabinet for supplies.

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