Start from the beginning

"You're back." Julie said before looking at me.

Ryan scowled as soon as he heard her voice since there were a few people muttering in the background. The guards looked at everyone after releasing Ryan from their grip after removing all of his weapons. The other guards followed suit and removed everyones guns, knives and other weapons from the Rioters and our men.

A lot of them resisted until they saw someone emerge from the main door of the house. My mother. She looked at me with a frown on her face before looking at all of the other men, Rioters and everyone else. Including Ryan. Father walked around the corner and didn't show his face as she walked up to the podium.

"It's for safety. We don't want a war." One of the guards muttered to a Rioter who spat on him. Still not understanding what we were offering. This plan isn't going to work.

My mother glared at Hannah as I allowed her to take my place.

"Who sent you here?" She said as she ran her fingers through her hair before adjusting her earrings.

I looked around as I saw Georgie collapsing into Hannah's arms, her face pale as she rushed to the hospital. My heart pounded as I looked at one of the people as they walked towards my mother amidst the shouting, screaming and fighting. A line of guards was formed in front of the podium so that no one could go towards my mother as the man walked up to the podium and faced my mother for a moment.

"You sent them here?" She sneered and yanked off his mask.

Mothers eyes widened as she took several paces backwards as she pointed at father with tears in her eyes.

"You were alive?" Mother said as he nodded.

"I've seen what you've become. I can't believe it." He muttered as she reached out for him to only get her hand swatted away from his face. Everyone became silent after that.

"Mother- he paid for my medical bills when you selfishly chose not to." I said slowly before turning away, feeling the sweat drip from my face as I thought about how everyone must be feeling from all of this.

"Now isn't the time. We need to make the last business deal." Eagle said as he grabbed me by the shoulders.

"A business deal." Mother said slowly as Eagle walked off the podium, "what is it that you need?"

Father didn't say anything before turning away to look at Eagle as he rushed off to Julie and held her hand amidst the muttering from the Rioters.

"Well... We need equality. Why are we sitting here with no healthcare? No schools, education or peace?" Ryan said as he looked away, "aside from revenge."

Groups of the Rioters were formed as they all came up with things to propose in the business deal. Then again, was it really a business deal or an armistice?

"How will this favour us exactly?" My mother muttered as she snapped her fingers.

"That's the first thing that's on your mind?" I said before slapping her, feeling my blood boil at her thought process and how twisted it has become.

My father sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"There will be no war." One of the guards said as he lifted his gun and pointed it at my mother, "if you refuse, well- things will be very different from how they are now."

My mother looked away in guilt as she sat down and looked at me.

"I never wanted this to happen. People still lost their families because of my actions." She said before looking away, "I can't believe this- this is due to me. I could've saved them. I could've changed things."

I didn't say anything as I rubbed my knuckles. The guard slowly put down his gun as my mother continued to sob. The silence overwhelmed me as she continued to cry out until my father came through the crowd and placed his hand on my mother's shoulder. They locked eyes before she wiped her tears away.

"I know you won't love me for what I've done. I'll do it- I will sign the deal with no motivations." She said.

My father smiled before letting her go and facing everybody.

"Did you hear that? The deal will be signed." My father and I shouted as we watched everyone hold everyone's hand and lift in up.

Others cried as we celebrated, my mother stood up and looked at everyone who welcomed her with smiles for the first time in years. Adam ran up to me and wiped my tears away before hugging me.

My father smiled at him as he took a few paces away from me and pulled out a ring.

"I talked to your father about this. If you're ever interested we could-" Adam muttered as my father chuckled, everyone around cheered for us.

"Of course, when the time is right." I said as I held the ring in my hand, noticing how it was made out of some sort of amethyst.

Adam grinned as he placed the ring on my finger and kissed my cheek, I felt my heart race.

"We've done it- it's all over now." He said softly as I nodded.

It's all finally over. 

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