149. Pop (Antonio Dawson)

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This one is for jj_collie_aid.

"What do you mean you have to go undercover?" You paced up and down the room, anger and sadness in your eyes. "How long are you gonna be gone?"

"I don't know." Antonio grabbed your hand, squeezing it to reasure you everything will be alright.

You suddenly couldn't held the tears in as you pictured the worst scenario. "The baby can come any day now."

"This is my job and you know I am the only one who speaks spanish." Antonio tried to reason with you.

Your eyes suddenly light up as you got the best idea. "Let me call uncle Hank, he is a powerfull man he will fix it."

"There is nothing he can do. He was the one who asked me to do it." Antonio kneeled down in front of you and cupped your tummy with his hands. "I will be alright. Everything will be alright."

You wiped your tears, hugging Antonio's head, pulling it closer to you. Three days after Antonio left to go indercover Kim was visiting you, to make sure you  two were okay. You sat down outside behind the table, sipping limonade. "It's so quiet without him." You admit.

"The baby is due any day now and it will not be lonely then." Kim chuckled rubbing your tummy. "And when Antonio comes home he will be all over you." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"The baby has two more weeks, thankfully Antonio will be back by then." You leaned back and relaxed when all of a sudden the sharp pain hit your pelvis area. "Uuuu fuck, those false contractions are a bitch."

Kim got pale as he watched you struggle with your pain. "Are gou sure they are false?" She pannicked as ahe had no idea how to react if things get more serious. "Why don't we go to the hospital so you can get checked out."

"Don't be stupid Kim." You tried to calm her down hiding your own fear and pain. "Why don't we call it a night so we can rest?"

"Sounds fine." Kim smiled, helping you get out of your chair. "But I am not leaving. I will sleep on a sofa just in case."

You rolled your eyes, obbaying because you knew Antonio put her up to this. "Make yourself at home. You walked straight to bed and lie down for an hour or so when the pain started progressing. "Aaaaaaaaa..." You screamed, waking Kim up. "Kim, I... My water just broke."

Kim started pacing up and down the room and you had to scream her name to get her back into reality. "There is a hospital bag ready in my closet. Pick it up and grabb my phone." You ordered, grabbing a longsleewed shirt for yourself. "Can you call Antonio please?"

"I will call Voight, he is the only one who knows where he is." Kim explained, starting the engine.


Antonio slowly opened the door, teddy bear in one hand and chocolate in other. His eyes were red from tears as he saw the love of his life sleeping peacefully while holding their baby in her arms. "Go on we'll give you some space." Adam whinked as he closed the door behind him. "Guys I saw her she looks just like mini Antonio."

"Hey baby." Antonio kissed his little baby, covering it up with an extra blanket. He grabbed a golden ring and placed it on his sleeping girlfriend. "Thank you for giving me what I've been always looking for."

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