163. Your secret (Adam, Hailey)

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So I heard Wattpad is being sold. What does that mean for the stories? Is there any way to save them just in case something gets delited. 🤷

Hailey woke up from a light shinning on her face. She glanced at the clock and giggled. "I don't remember when was the last time I slept that long." She leaned ber chin on Adam's bare chest, making small kisses on his hot skin.

"Good morning beautifull." Adam smiled, bitting his lip while looking down on his girl. "Come here." He pulled her closer, their faces inches apart.

"I could get used to this every morning." She admited drawing circles on his chest. "But he should get up our shift starts in a few hours."

Adam planted a kiss on her lips with no intention of letting her go so fast. "Mmm, we still have time." Hailey giggled as she gave in to him.

At work everything was going normal. Some would say it was boring  but it gave people time to observe other peoples. Hank saw how Adam was glancing over at Hailey's every now and then. "Adam, Hailey my office."

"What's up sir? Did we cought a case?" Adam scratched the back of his head.

Hank nodded. "Do you two have a thing?''

Hailey looked Adam with big eyes. "No, what do you mean?"

"I see the way he looks at you. Don't play me for stupid." Hank raized his voice but not so others could hear him.

Hailey walked straitght to the locker room where she punched the locker door. "For fuck sake."

"It's gonna be okay." Adam hold her from behind, planting small kisses behind her ear. "We will fix it."

"What if Kim saw it too? I don't wanna lose my best friend over this thing that not one of us know it's gonna last." Hailey leaned her head on the locker while Adam pulled back. "Adam..."

"No, no. You said what you wanted to say." He chuckled in disbelief. "I don't wanna be your dirthy little secret and just so you know this 'thing' is called being in love. I am in love with you."

Hailey faced Adam with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe what he just admitted to her. The words she wanted to hear for so long. "I love you Adam, but what happens next? Do you want to run and scream we love each other and lose our job? I love my job." She whispered the last part.

"I love my job too but not as much as I love you." Adam walked closer to Hailey, adjusting the strain of her hair behind her ear. "I don't have a problem working in some other unit as long as you are with me."

Hailey tought for a while but finnaly nodded. "Yes."

"Yes?!" Adam jumped and kissed her. He grabbed her hand and ran upstairs. "I love Hailey Upton. I am in love! We are in love." He scrramed gaining everyone's attention.

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