112. My soft spot

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Part three of 110 and 111 series.

Hank arrived back to the station next morning, his eyes red from crying. He was tired from looking his love but she was nowhere to be found and she didn't sleep at home because he waited for her until three in the morning.

At three thirty he packed all his belongings and threw them in the car. He was done living the life he doesn't want to. Claudia acted like nothing happened and like he would come back one day. But he won't, he would rather be alone than with someone else.

"Morning Voight, are you okay?" His old friend Trudy stooped him at the entrance. "You look like someone drove his car over you."

"Hank didn't bother forcing a smile because he knew he couldn't act it in front if his oldest friend. "Yeah, hard night."

"Well your gonna love the case that we just got." Platt handed him a file. "Three murdered in a small store at the gas station." Hank opened the file and closed it back again, bodies were destroyed beyond recognition. "And listen to this, our suspect is 21 year old girl."

Hank grabbed the file and walked upstairs. He had no idea that what he will about to see will broke his heart even more. He opened the interrogation room and stopped dead at his tracks. "Y/N?!" He whispered, stepped back outside and closed the door behind him. He slided down the wall and buried his face his knees. He was glad all of his team mates were out on a field.

Hank composed himself and washed his face with cold water before he reentered the interrogation room. "Hank Voight." He blankly introduced himself in front of Y/N and her father. "I've been working in a case with three dead bodies..."

Y/N had wet tee from all the tears she's been crying past 12 hours. She looked at the man who betrayed her and wiped her tears. "I did it."

Her father stood up and walked up and down the room screaming "You stupid bitch." He left the room and shot the door behind him.

Hank reached for her hand that she couldn't pull away because it was handcuffs to the table. "Baby, why are you doing this? I know you didn't do it."

"Don't touch me and don't call me baby." She screamed. "I did it I confess."

Hank swallowed hard and kissed her hand. "You will not go down for something you didn't do just to piss me off. I will find the person capable."

He left the room and walked to the main room where his team was already waiting with new informations. "Boss, she didn't do it." Adam informed.

"We found bloody man footprints, from unknown person." Jay continued. "I don't know what her problem is but she didn't do it and until she doesn't tell us the truth we can't let her go."

"Okay ill take care of this you go and find me that bastard." He walked back to Y/N and dragged her in the middle of forest where she couldn't escape. "You can scream all you want to but you will listen to me." He kneeled down in front of her. "I should of tell you I have a wife and I'm sorry I didn't." He pulled out a file. "I filed for a divorce two months before we meet because I don't love her anymore."

Y/N looked carefully at the paper and he was telling the truth. "You still lied to me."

Hank leaned his head in her lap and hugged her tight. "I know but I thought I would lose you." He looked at her their face inches apart. "I never thought you would wanna be with someone like me."

Y/N brushed her cheek onto Hanks. He put his arms around her and hugged her tight. He picked up the call from Adam. "Boss, we caught the man."

"Okay, l'll be right back." Hank smiled. "We caught him. What were you doing there in a first place?"

"Sleeping on a bench." Y/N chuckled. "I'm sorry I saw an opportunity to piss you off."

"Little bit extreme don't you think?" Hank picked her up and carried her to his truck. "I know you still hate me but i love you."

Y/N smiled in his chest and murmur. "I don't hate you."

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