148. Vacation (whole cast)

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ScorpionQueen_29 this one is for you.

"Guys!" Hailey and Jay ran up the stairs and bursted into the room with big smile on their faces. "We just hit the tickets." Hayley squeeled, jumping up and down.

"It's for a week in the new Hawaiian hotel." Jay explained, gaining the looks of his coworkers. "We can invite some friends, so who is up for an adventure?"

Kim and Adam looked at eachother and raized their hands at the same time. "We're in." They announced.

"Hell yeah, Hawaii?" Antonio fixed his hair. "Ladyes I'm on my way."

Hank was standing at the doorway with Al, with no expression on his face. "Enjoy kids but come back to work at some point." He chuckled lightly.

"You should join us." Haily grabbed Jay's hand, everyone looking at him like he grew his second head for inviting the boss.

Hank furrowed his eyebrows, looking at everyone then at Al. "Nooo, we are to old for this."

"C'mon boss it wouldn't be the same without you." Jay protested.

"It sure won't." Adam whispred and Kim elbowed him, smilling to her boss.

Hank scratched his chin. "Why not?!"


A week couldn't come faster as the team landed in Oahu airport. The limo was waiting for them to transport them to the new hotel.

They threw a beach party inviting all of them including Hank. "This is gonna be the most boring party ever. "Adam rolled his eyes."

"How can we party if our boss will be watching us?" Hailey eyed Jay who was guilty for all of this. "You just had to?"

Hailey, Jay, Adam and Kim walked to the spot of the party and as soon as they got there their jaws dropped. "What the...?" Adam stared at the big bonfire where a dozen of girls were dancing with Al and Hank. "...fuck."

"Ladyes, come join us." Hank smiled, his hand thrown around a blonde girl, half his age. "Let's get this party started."

"I think it started a few hours ago." Adam laughed quietly. "Where is beer?"

"Beer? How old are we five?" Al joked, throwing something stronger his way and half an hour later all of them were dancing like there was no tomorrow.


Hank and Al walked out of their rooms meeting the others on the hallway. "Guys, what happened in Hawaii this past dew days..." Hank raized his finger and poinfed it in their faces. "...it stays in Hawaii." He glared at each and everyone, making sure they know what happens if they don't do what he ordered.

"What are we gonna do about the pictures?" Kim whispered when Hank and Al were far away.

Adam glanced at Jay, smirking. "Let's save them."

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