87. So this is over? Pt. 2 (Hank Voight)

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Its been six weeks since Hank broke up with you. It's getting easier day by day but you have to see him everyday because you work with him.

You were patroling the streets with Adam for the past few weeks and he was really helpfull with getting over Hank, you two became really good friends.

"Y/N!" Hank suddenly called you.

You turned your attention towards him and you were surprized that the pain you once felt was gone. "Yes boss."

"Don't... don't call me boss." Hank stepped closer. "I was thinking and I realized I made a mistake by leaving you." He looked you straight to your eyes. "

"Hank..." You wanted to silence him before he would say something stupid.

"What I'm saying is... meet me at Molly's tonight just for a drink and we can pick it up where we left off." He tryed to held on your hand but you pulled away.

Six months has passed from when you were signed to your secret asignment. It happened so fast you had no time saying goodbye to your friends. It is your first day back and you are excited to be back on streets.

Hank was the only one at work this fast in the morning but that was okay with you after all it's been almost nine months since you broke up.

"You never came to Molly's." He suddely stood behind you. You know... I was really read to be with you again, to start where we left things."

You pulled away and took a step back. "Where we left off?... You left me outise standing in the rain like I don't matter." You turned around to leave but you feelt you need to turn around. "And Hank, I don't love you anymore."

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