What you weren't expecting, was a kid to come running back into the classroom. It was too late by the time the both of you had noticed you were in each other's ways, and he was going too fast to stop. The two of you collided, and the contents of your binder fell out as the both of you crashed to the ground.

A hurried 'sorry' spilled out of both of your mouths at the same time as the both of you shifted to your knees and began to pick up what had fallen.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't expecting anyone else to still be here." You heard the boy speak, and your eyes shot up to see a mop of messy chestnut curls, hands fumbling to grab at the notebooks and pens that had spilled onto the floor. "Are you okay?"

He had looked up, large brown eyes full of worry finding yours, and you had recognized him immediately, a blush beginning to creep up your neck. The boy you had been crushing on the last couple of months was now right in front of you, not even a foot away.

"Um, y-yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Little bit sore, but I'll be fine." You accepted his hand as he stood up first, one arm still holding your belongings, and he helped you stand up. "Thanks Peter."

A flash of surprise flew through Peter's face before it disappeared and a warm smile appeared on his lips. "No problem Y/N. I kinda ran into you, so..." he trailed off, but you knew where he was going anyway. "Um, here," he outstretched his arms, holding your things to you and with an embarrassed smile you took them back and lazily shoved them back into your binder. You would have to organize it when you got to your next class.

"Peter? Did you leave something here?" The sound of your teachers voice rang through your ears, and you felt your face start to heat up even more as both you and Peter turned to him. You realized that he had watched the entirety of the event happen and said nothing. Or maybe he didn't care.

"Oh! Yeah. I did." Peter spoke, and you suddenly felt awkward standing there with no real reason to stay. You turned to walk out, and Peter had noticed. "I'll see you tomorrow," he called to you, and you glanced over your shoulder to see him waving. Giving him a small wave in return, you saw as he began to walk to where he was sitting in class, a large book, most likely his copy of the History textbook, on the desk.

You didn't stay, Peter disappearing from view as you continued to walk down the emptying hall. You sped up your pace when you realized you didn't have much time to get across the school now, letting out a small yelp as the bell rang out again, a signal that you were late, and you walked as fast as you could without it constituting as a run down the hall.


A packaged granola bar dropped down onto your homework, making you jump and your head shot up to see your mother standing over where you were curled up in the armchair in your living room.

"You need to eat sweetie," she told you once she got your attention. "I don't think I've seen you eat anything the last couple days."

"I've eaten," you countered, picking up the granola bar and placing it by your side. But as you said the words, you thought about it, trying to remember the last time you actually ingested something. You shook the thought out of your head, your eyes finding your Trigonometry homework again and fingers pressing your calculator buttons to double cheeks your answers. There was silence from your mom, and you could practically feel her staring at you. Looking up again, you saw her doing just that with her arms crossed, her eyebrows raising as you met her eyes. "I'll eat it right after I'm done with this." You promised her, referring to the sheet in front of you.

"You better," she warned, but you knew it was an empty threat. "I'm going out to the store real quick. Do you need anything?"

"Um," you scrunched your nose. "No I don't think so, thanks."

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