✧~ Lies ~✧

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hello, i am back with another chapter that i planned out yesterday.

as you can probably tell by the title, this chapter isn't going to be a happy, fluffy chapter. no, it's going to be filled with angst.

i have been writing so many happy and fluffy chapters for this book, which i do enjoy, but i want an even balance of fluff and angst.

so yes, this chapter is angst and the ideas are by me. if you don't want to read, you don't have too – im not forcing you.


summary/note: katsuki and you have been in a relationship for over a year now, but one day you see something which breaks you. ⚠️

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"Y/n, can we go into this shop, pleaseeee?" Your best friend ever since U

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"Y/n, can we go into this shop, pleaseeee?" Your best friend ever since U.A, Momo asked you whilst harshly shaking onto your arm.

She had begged you continually over the phone to go shopping with her at the mall. Not really having anything better to do, you obliged.

So, that's where you were now. Her whining and begging at you whilst forcefully dragging you into what seemed to be millions of different shops.

"We can go in any shop you want, Momo. You don't have to ask me." Was what you told her whilst she dragged you into a shop that sold bags.

She smiled at you before letting your arm, her eyes roaming around the wide shop which had bags in every nook and cranny: hanging from the ceiling, on multiple shelf's, on the floor... They were everywhere. Which is what you would expect from a bag shop.

"What sort of bag are you looking for?" You asked the female beside you as she tapped her chin, eyes still darting around.

"What would she like...?" She mumbled to herself, not paying any attention to you.

It was then it clicked. You had a feeling you knew who she was buying a bag for. It was so obvious. How you didn't know earlier was beyond you.

Of course it would be her. Today was Momo's and Jirou's second wedding anniversary. They had been married for officially two years. They were dating all throughout U.A, moved in together when they left, then got married a year after. A wonderful love story.

"Y/n, please help me~" The girl whined out.

"Why?" You chuckled, "You know her likes and dislikes way more than me."

"But I need help. I need a friend's opinion." Was all she said before taking your hand and pulling you towards a certain shelf.

You looked in front of you to see purple and blue bags all lined up nearly on a shelf. They had small diamonds on them, each spaced out equally.

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