Chapter 75: The Attack On Prescott

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Small timeskip
You walk over to Javier to see a walker crawling towards him. You shoot it in the head with Y/N's revolver. You look over at Javier to see that he's awake.

Clem: Hey, hey. Take it easy.

You crouch down next to him.

Javier: What happened?

Clem: They got away.

Javier: Oh, God. Mariana.

You both stand up. Javier walks over to Mariana's corpse and gets on his knees. He holds her hand.

Clem: I already dug a grave for her.

Javier: Thank you.

Javier picks up Mariana bridal style. You both walk up a hill, to see a hole in the ground with a shovel next to it.

Javier drops down into the grave and sets Mariana down carefully. He puts her hands on her stomach.

He gets out of the grave and looks at her.

Javier: This was my fault, Mariana. Goddamn it. I'm so sorry, honey.

Javier puts his hand on the shovel.

Clem: Javi...

You step closer to him.

Clem: Thank you for staying. I think you probably saved my life.

He sticks the shovel into the ground and looks away.

Javier: I couldn't leave you alone.

Clem: That's're a good man.

Javier: Not good enough to save her.

Clem: You bought your people time, though. That counts for something.

Javier sticks the shovel into the ground and is about to fill it up.

Javier: Hey, hang on a sec. He says reaching into his back pocket.

He pulls out Mariana's cassette player.

Javier: She carried this around for years.

He drops into the grave and places the cassette tape in her hands.

He gets back up and sticks the shovel into the dirt with his foot. He takes that dirt and puts it in the hole.

He does it again.

Javier: I'm...I'm sorry I never found you those candy bars.

He sticks the shovel into the dirt with his foot. He looks at Mariana's corpse.

Javier: You much more life.

He takes that dirt and puts it in the hole.

He does it again and finishes with filling the grave.

Javier: You should've been the one burying me...someday. Someday far away.

He stands back from the grave.

Clem: You did everything you possibly--

You both hear a walker growl, causing Javier to drop the shovel and pull out his pistol. You take out Y/N's revolver. Javier aims the pistol at where the noise came from.

You both slowly walk over to a pile of tires with your guns drawn. You both walk opposite sides of the tires. It's just one walker.

Javier walks in front of the walker, aims at the walker and shoots it in the head.

Javier tilts his head in confusion at something. He puts his pistol away and walks closer to the dead walker. He gets on one knee and looks at its neck.

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