Chapter 45: Carver

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Carlos spits in Carver's face. Carlos rubs the spit off of his face.

Carver: It's nice to see you too.

Carver punches Carlos.

Sarah: Dad!

Rebecca: Sarah!

Sarah runs outside to hug Carlos.

Carver looks at the lodge and points at it.

Carver: Inside.

Carlos looks at one of the men, who's pointing their rifle at him.

A woman walks up to Walter.

Walter: It's you.

She looks kinda guilty.

Woman: Keep movin'.

You recognize that voice. That's that bitch who shot you!

Rebecca goes upstairs, Alvin hides on the stairs, and you and Clem dive behind a couch as everyone enters the lodge.

Clementine grabs your hand and you hold it tight and give her a reassuring nod.

The woman whistles.

Woman: Look at this place.

One of the men turn around and examines the common area for a few seconds. Alvin signals for you to peak over, which you do.

Man: You believe this fuckin' place, Bonnie? Power and everything.

You get back into cover.

Man: Lotta windows, though. It's fuckin' huge. Bill's gonna hate it. The rest of 'em could be anywhere.

You see Alvin motions to you and Clem to go over there.

You both run to the stairs as the man turns around.

Man: Man, how the fuck are we gonna cover these guys and look for them too?

You both walk up the stairs. You look through the railing.

Woman: Johnny, cover that window.

Johnny goes over to the window. Walter glares at the woman as he walks by. You and Clem sneak across the balcony to Alvin and Rebecca.

You peak over the railing to see Carlos being put on his knees and Carver's group lining up everyone and binding their hands with zipties. Carver looks around the railings, making you duck.

Carver grabs Carlos' arm, and drags him in front of the group, making Sarah gasp. Carver punches Carlos in the stomach, making him fall to his knees and cough.

Sarah: Dad!

Carver: Listen, I'm only gonna ask you once. Where's Rebecca?

Carlos: Sarah, look at me. It's gonna be okay.

Carver grabs Carlos' hair and pulls it back and breaks his finger.

Carlos/Sarah: Aggghhhh!/NO!

Carver: Rebecca? Rebecca, our baby deserves to be raised in a place of safety. I know you're out there. And Alvin. And Luke. And the girl. And the boy. This is real simple. You want this over quick, you all play nice and show your faces.

Sarah: Don't hurt my dad! Please!

Alvin whisper: He'll kill him.

Rebecca whisper: No, Alvin.

Alvin whisper: We gotta go down there.

Rebecca whisper: I can't do that.

Alvin whisper: Bec...the need a doctor.

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