Chapter 29: New

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Lee looks at his arm and then back at everyone else.

Lee: Fuck it. Cut it off.

Omid: Are we certain that it'll work?

Christa: We can't be certain about anything!

Kenny: Lee, you're sure about this?

Lee looks back at his arm.

Lee: If it doesn't work, then I'm dead either way. Might as well see what happens.

Kenny: Alright, let's get back in the house.

You all walk back to the house. Lee rolls up his sleeve and rests his arm on the kitchen table, while Kenny looks for something to use to cut off his arm, wrap it, and make sure that not too much blood comes out.

You: Hold on.

Lee: What is it?

You walk up to Lee's arm and take his watch off.

You: Don't want it getting blood on it.

Kenny takes a cleaver from the drawer. Lee goes wide eyed.

Lee: That's the best thing we've got?

Kenny: It's the only thing we've got.

Lee sighs.

Lee: Alright, let's get this over with.

Kenny walks next to Lee. He takes off his belt and wraps it around Lee's forearm tightly. He raises the cleaver.

You: Ready?

Lee looks at you slowly and he nods.

Lee: Ready.

With that being said, Kenny drives the cleaver down onto his arm. It doesn't go through the whole way.


Kenny drives the cleaver up and down for about 10 seconds, while Lee screams in the process. Kenny takes the arm with one last swing, Lee passes out onto the floor.

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