Chapter 7: Is It Safe?

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You all turn around to see Carley pointing her gun at two guys, one of them holding a gas canister, the other has his hands ups.

Man1: Woah, lady, relax! Me and my brother we... we just wanna know if y'all can help us out.

Carley: I said back off!

Lily: Carley.

Lee: Are you armed?!

Man2: Yeah... for protection... dead could be anywhere.

Man1 speaks up and tries to let you know that they don't wanna mess with you.

Man1: But, uh, I think you've got the upper hand here.

Carley: Why do you need gas?

A/N: Btw, how did she know that they needed gas, they didn't even say what they were doing.

Man2: Our place is protected by an electric fence. Generators provide the electricity...

Man1: Our generators run on gas. Look, we own a dairy farm a few miles up the road. If y'all be willing to lower your guns, we can talk about some kind of trade.

Man2: How are y'all doin on food? We got plenty at the dairy.

Lily: Lee, why don't you and mark check this place out, see if it's legit?

Carley lowers her gun and turns around to talk to Lee.

Carley: I'm going with you. I got your back if anything seems fishy.

Man1: So uh what are y'all thinking?

You don't like the way this looks, they've got guilt written all over them.

Lee: You've got a deal. We'll bring SOME gas to your dairy. In exchange, you give us some food to bring back. We'll see how it goes from there.

Man1: Sounds fair. A couple gallons should power one of our generators for a while.

You: Lee can I talk to you for a sec?

Lee: Sure kiddo.

You pull Lee aside to talk.

You: I don't like the look of these guys. I mean think about it, that kid, Ben told me that his teachers bear trap didn't have a release latch.

Lee: What's your point?

You: My point is someone out there isn't hunting animals, they're hunting people. You really think we should take the risk of trusting them?

Lee: You might be onto something, but we still need to check it out. I mean imagine if we turned it down, and we lost good meals for everyone here. We have to take risks sometimes.

You: I don't know Lee...

Lee: How about this, if I go there and something doesn't seem right, we'll head back.

You: Okay, Lee, be careful.

Lee: I always am.

He ruffles your hair and walks off.

Lee: Alright, Carley, Let's go...

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to upload another chapter today and make it longer than this one.

The Walking Dead Clementine X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora