Chapter 124: Ericson's

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You slowly wake up. You're in a room with two bunk beds, you're on one right now. You look to your left and you see your glasses and medical supplies.

You: AJ! You say, trying to get up, but something stops you.

You look at your left wrist to see it duck taped to the bed. You take off the duck tape and you stand up. You grab your glasses and you put them on.

You: What is this place?

You touch your head and feel a bandage. You run over to the door and you try opening it, but it's locked.

You: Fuck me.

You walk over to a closet and you open it to see an arts and crafts box on the top shelf. You grab it and you put it on a desk.

You open up the box to find a pallet knife.

You: This'll have to do.

You put the knife away. You walk over to the door and you open it with the pallet knife.

You walk out into a hall. One of the parts of the hallway are blocked so you go the other way.

You walk around the corner to see a kid walk into the hall. You run back over to a trophy case and you take cover behind it. You take out the pallet knife.

The kid walks over to your door and goes wide eyed when he sees that it's open. He takes out a knife and peeks inside. You run up to the boy and push him against the wall, revealing half his face to be burned. You put the pallet knife to his neck.

You: Drop the knife. Now.

You hear a bow string get pulled back.

???: How about you do the same?

You look down the hall to see a silhouette with a compound bow.

???: We're not gonna hurt you. We've got your friends. They're safe. If you want to see them again, you'll drop that knife. Now. I'm not fucking around. Let him go, or I let go. And you'll see how good of a shot I am.

You: If I found out that you so much as laid a hair on them, I won't be so nice next time

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You: If I found out that you so much as laid a hair on them, I won't be so nice next time.

You drop the knife and let go of the boy.

You: Your turn.

???: Good. That's good.

He lets his string down.

???: See? All good here.

The boy starts walking backwards. The silhouette puts his bow on his back.

???: Look, if we wanted to hurt you, we would have by now. Considering the circumstances, I'll let this little standoff slide. But you only get one strike. Now, are you gonna behave so I can take you to see your friends? Because if you really want to fight... You're a little outnumbered.

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