Chapter 48: Get to Work

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You wake up to someone kicking you. You look up to see Troy with a rifle staring at you. You decide to stare back.

Troy: Get up, lovebirds. Bill's gonna have a word.

Troy walks away.

Your thoughts: "Lovebirds"?

You realize that Clem is holding you like a teddy bear. You reach over and tap her on the shoulder.

She wakes up and gasps. She lets go of you and rolls over, trying not to make it too awkward. That's very embarrassing for her.

You take your coat and you put it on. You get out of the cot and crouch down to pick up your hat. You stand up and put your hat on.

You look over to see the group gathered in front of the door, which then opens.

You and Clem start to walk over to the group. Carver steps into the yard.

Carver: There's been increased walker activity along the fence...

While walking, you spot that woman from the picnic table on the roof.

Carver: be mindful when outside the walls. The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit.

You both stop next to Sarah. You notice that Clem's blushing a little. Guess she's still embarrassed about what happened.

Carver: Know we're monitoring the situation. Now... There are some folks might be sore about what how things went. Well, that's all in the past now. Some of you are new to our community. Some of you are members who went astray. But know that you can find redemption proving your worth through what will undoubtedly be hard work.

Carver looks at Reggie.

Carver: Yeah, Reggie slipped up last night, but...that doesn't mean he should lose hope. Today will be a test for him, so let's all wish him the best of luck.

Sarah whisper: How'd you sleep?

Carver glares at Sarah.

Carver: I'll let Reggie be an example to you all. Sarah whisper: I was so tired. Salvation is available, but Sarah whisper: I didn't even realize it. it must be earned.

You just won't coddle Sarah, she needs to learn how to play along.

Carver: Kenneth You whisper: Shut. Up. will be taking over Reggie's Sarah whisper: Well, you don't have to be rude about it. duties outside the wall. Michael will continue on showing his value.

Clem whisper: Pay attention... We'll talk later, okay?

Sarah whisper: Okay, yeah. Sounds good. I just thought it was nice to finally--

Carver: Carlos!

Carlos: Yes?

Carver: Your child seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: I'm sorry, I--Sarah, a--apologize to Mr. Carver.

She looks down.

Sarah: S--I'm...sorry, sir.

Carver: No, no. That ain't gonna cut it. I can't have this kind of behavior on day one of your reform. You discipline her now, Carlos.

Carlos: How do you propose that I--

Carver: One good smack across the mouth should do it. It'll make her think twice before opening it up again. Go on, we'll wait.

Carlos: My... I'm not sure with my hand that I could--

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