Chapter 95: Town Square

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You slowly open your eye. You're in a black room, tied to a chair. The back of your chair is connected to another one.

Someone turns on a light above you. It's Joan.

Joan: Nice to see you again.

You: Good morning, Satan. How'd you sleep?

She slaps you.

Joan: You would've made a fine addition to our community. You just HAD to get physical. That little girl was my daughter.

You cough.

You: And I didn't kill her.

Joan slams her fist on a table.

Joan: Enough of the bullshit! David found you with a gun in your hand, and my daughter on the ground!

You: You must've been one fucked up mom for your daughter to want to kill herself.

Joan: She didn't understand how we did things. So she ran away. I ordered for David's men to find her, and bring her back to Wellington. I locked her in that shipping container, because that was the only way to keep her.

You: If she ran away, did you really expect her to be okay with coming back? Especially after you locking her in a fucking shipping container?

Joan: You wouldn't understand...

You sigh.

You: So what're you gonna do? You gonna kill me?

Joan: Oh, no. Not yet, anyways. First I'm gonna torture you. Hit you with a bat, punch you repeatedly, we'll see what happens.

Joan walks over to a table and picks up Retribution.

Joan: What's this called again? "Lucille"?

You: ...Retribution.

Joan: Hm. Fitting.

She walks over to you and hits you in the arm with Retribution.

You: Argh!

Joan: That felt good.

She hits you in the stomach with the knob of the baseball bat. You cough and you spit out blood.

You look over and you see Tripp tied to the wall. He looks at you with worry.

You close your eye and you start to cry.

Joan: Oh, you can cry all you want. It won't save you.

You: ...I'm not crying because this hurts... I'm crying because I'm thinking about every way I could kill you...and it scares me.

Joan smiles.

Joan: We'll see.

Clem's POV
You have to sit. In a truck. While Y/N is God knows where. And no ones doing anything to help.

You're waiting at Richmond, Ava's gonna let everyone in on what's gonna happen.

Gabe: Well, I know we've got something important to do.

He pulls out a deck of cards.

Gabe: I'm teaching you to play euchre.

Clem: I don't want to.

Gabe: Why not?

Clem: Gabe, I'm not in the mood.

Gabe: Why? 'Cause Y/N isn't here? Why do you care about that asshole after the way he's treated you?

This enrages you. You slap him.

Clem: He's not a fucking asshole! YOU'RE an asshole!

You slam the back door open and you step out of the truck. You slam the door closed.

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