Chapter 148: Two Weeks of Pure Silence

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The hand-drawn map of Ericson's is laid on your dresser. All the plans are hand-drawn onto it. You look over at AJ to see him sleeping on his bed. He sports a new burgundy red jacket. You smile.

You look at yours and Clem's bed to see her asleep. You take off your glasses and you set them on the dresser. You get into bed and Clem snuggles onto you.

You both fall asleep.


You hear the sound of screaming. You jerk up in your bed, but you don't see Clem or AJ.

You: Hello?

You sit up.

You: Where you guys?

You get out of bed. You put your hat and glasses on. You walk over to the door and you step outside. You don't make it into the hallways of Ericson's, but instead the hallways of the Foundation's town hall.

You: AJ? Clementine?

You start walking down the halls. You walk outside the town hall to see Dyla, whimpering on the ground.

You: Dyla!

You run up to her and you fall to your knees. You start shaking Dyla.

You: Dyla? Dyla?!

The doors of the town hall get slammed closed. You turn around to see the town hall on fire.

Clementine's POV
You wake up to Y/N shaking. He's all sweaty.

Clem: Y/N?

Your POV
You run up to the town hall and you bust the door down, but you can't get in. It's like there's some sort of invisible barrier. You try banging on the barrier, but nothing works.

Someone's burnt hand slams against the barrier.

Clementine's POV
Y/N starts panting and whimpering. You start trying to shake him.

Clem whisper: Y/N. Y/N, wake up!

Your POV
The burnt hand is revealed to be the hand of your brother. His whole body is charred.

You: Jack!

Jack: Help us!

You: "Us"?

More charred people start to emerge. El, Javier, Rick, Maggie, Ezekiel, Gabe, Anna, community members, soldiers, AJ...Clementine. All of them banging on the barrier. Begging for you to save them.

All of them: Help us!/Please!/I don't wanna die!/Don't let this be the end!

Clementine's POV
He starts making scared noises.

Clem: Y/N, wake up!

You yelling is enough to wake up AJ.

Your POV
You: No... No... NO!


You jerk up in your bed, panting. Clem hugs you and you hug back.

Clem: Y/N, you scared me!

You: I'm...I'm sorry. I just had a...another nightmare.

Clem whisper: It's okay, it's okay...

Clem looks over to see that AJ's awake, on top of the dresser.

Clem whisper: AJ's awake.

You whisper: Shit.

You pull out of the hug, pick up your glasses, and you immediately put them on. You and Clem turn to AJ.

You: Why're you up?

AJ: You were having a nightmare. Same one you used to have all the time. About the Foundation.

He brandishes a new knife.

You: Hey. What do you have there?

He shrugs his shoulders.

Clem: Did you have a bad dream, too? You've been having them a lot lately.

He doesn't respond for a few seconds.

AJ: I feel safer like this. Not sleeping. I wanna stay up forever. I probably could. Like, eighteen days. If I tried hard.

You: We're safe here, AJ.

AJ: It doesn't feel like it.

Clem: You used to think so.

AJ groans and holds his stomach.

You: Here, let me help you back to bed. You say, standing up.

AJ: No.

You sit back down next to Clem.

AJ: You guys don't have to keep checking on me. You always say, be tough. So I am. You say, be strong. And I will. And brave, all the time.

Clem: Maybe I should go get Ruby. If you're feeling sick again, she should take a look at you.

AJ: No, Clem, you're not listening to me.

You: You're the toughest boy I know. Probably the toughest boy in the whole world.

AJ: I'm not as tough as you.

You smirk.

You: Well, no one's as tough as me.

Clem playfully punches you in the arm.

AJ sits down on the dresser and looks at you and Clem.

AJ: I'm sorry you two had to do all the hard work. To atone me.

He jumps off the dresser. He starts walking.

AJ: I'm gonna help you guys more. So you don't have to do everything.

Clem: Where are you going?

AJ stops walking and looks at you and Clem.

AJ: On patrol.

You: Patrol?

AJ: For danger. Bad people. Monsters. Whatever you have nightmares about.

You: What if you stayed here instead? If you go back to sleep, I'll stay awake and make sure no more bad dreams come.

Clem smiles at you.

AJ: You can't do that. You're not magic.

You: How do you know? Maybe I have magic and never told you.

AJ: No, you don't.

AJ walks over to his bed. He doesn't climb into it.

Clem: What is it?

AJ: Can I...

He turns around.

AJ: could I maybe sleep in your bed? Like I did when I was little?

You and Clem smile.

Clem: Yeah. Come on up.

He starts walking up to yours and Clem's bed. You get off of the bed so that AJ can get in.

AJ: I'm not scared. Just tired.

Clem lays back down, giving you and AJ enough room.

Clem: Makes sense to me.

You look at the knife in AJ's hand.

You: Think you need that?

He sets the knife down on the dresser. He hops into yours and Clem's bed. You get onto your side. You all close your eyes. You decide to sleep with your glasses on tonight.

You: AJ?

AJ: What?

You: ...You're still little.

Clem giggles.

AJ: Yeah, I know.

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