Chapter 55: Breaking Relationships

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You all walk through the forest. It's been a few hours since the herd.

Rebecca seems to be running out of breath. Clem slows down to check up on her.

Jane: You two siblings or something?

You look at Jane.

You: Huh?

Jane: You and Clem; you guys brother and sister? You sure as hell act like it.

You: Kinda.

Jane: What's that supposed to mean?

You: Well we were adopted by a man who protected us.

Jane: Ah. So... I wanted to talk to you about... what happened with Carver.

You look forward.

You: I don't wanna to talk about it.

Jane: You beat that guy to death!

You: You weren't there to see it. Look, it happened, there's no point in looking back on it. You just have to move on.

You overhear Rebecca.

Rebecca: Luke...Sarah...Kenny... Goddamn it, what if they aren't there?

Jane: If they aren't...nothing we can do about it.

Rebecca: Don't even say things like that!

Jane: Fine! Sorry.

Rebecca: Jesus, I don't even know if WE'RE safe. What if the herd is still following us?

Jane: We're fine.

Rebecca: It's been quiet, but who knows. We've gotta keep going.

Clem: We'll watch out for each other.

Jane: So long as we keep up a good pace.

Rebecca: I know, I know. Just... I'm going as fast as I can. I know I should feel glad that we escaped, but I just can't stop thinking about the others. How could I leave Alvin behind...? It was stupid.

Jane: What was? Escaping?

You: Rebecca, Alvin got shot. He died. You didn't leave him behind.

Rebecca: Look, I know we all agreed to use the herd to get out, but...maybe we should've been more patient. Come up with something better.

Jane: It worked!

Rebecca: If you can call that working! We could have... I don't know...

You: Jane saved us. I don't know how we would've gotten out without you.

Jane: You don't give yourself enough credit. I'm just saying that if people hadn't panicked, things might've turned out better.

Rebecca: Of course! We panicked! We were scared!

Jane: The plan was good! The execution was the messy part.

Rebecca: That sounds an awful lot like you're saying it was their fault.

Jane: What? No! No, that's not what I'm saying. Just...

Rebecca groans and clutches onto her stomach as she stops walking. You all stop and look at her. You and Clem look at each other.

Rebecca: I have to stop. I'm sorry. I don't want to slow us down. Can I just have a minute?

Jane: Uh... Yeah. Take a minute.

Rebecca: Thank you.

Rebecca starts to sob quietly. She turns away.

Rebecca: Alvin was supposed to be here for this.

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