Chapter 18: Problems

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You're sitting on the ground with Clementine and the new girl, Christa. Well it's mostly Clem and Christa talking but you join in on the conversation here and then. You look in the cylinder of your revolver; two bullets left. Christa looks over to you. You notice that she's staring at your bandage.

You: There a problem?

Christa: Uh, no.

She turns her head away.

You: sigh What did you wanna ask about it?

Christa: About what?

You: The sky *you say in a sarcastic tone*, my eye, man.

Christa: What happened to it?

You: A bandit shot my eye out yesterday.

Christa: Damn. What's it like?

You: Huh?

Christa: What's it like to see with one eye?

You: It's weird, I thought people who lost eyes would just see black, but it's not like that at all. I guess it's like... I just lost my sense in my eye.

Christa: Weird...

After a couple of minutes Christa keeps asking you questions that is starting to annoy you, like "Do you feel the hole?" or "do some of your senses work better now?" Who needs to know this?! You see Lee walking towards the train station up ahead. You and Clementine walk up to him before Christa can ask another stupid question.

You: Can we follow you over there?

Lee: You don't like the new girl?

Lee gets down on one knee.

Clem: I do. But... it's like we're a team. Like you sad.

You: Well I personally don't like her.

Lee: Why not?

You: She keeps asking me dumb questions.

Lee: 'Bout what?

You: My eye.

Lee: Oh. Yeah, all right. Come on.

Lee stands up and shouts to the others.

Lee: Clementine, Y/N and I are checking out this train station, all right? Hustle over if you hear anything.

All three of you make it towards the train station, Clementine runs off and finds a door, you and Lee walk towards where she went.

Lee: You should wait for me before trying to open doors.

Clem: Sorry.

Lee: Luckily it's locked.

You: We'll better at working together. You say with a smile

Clem nods and smiles and walks to the side. Lee tries to get the door open but can't.

Lee: This door won't budge.

You look above the door and see a window.

You: Maybe we could get in that way.

Lee: Huh?

He looks above the door and sees the window.

Lee: Oh, uh, yeah. He says in an embarrassed tone.

Clem: Maybe I could look in?

You: Nah, I think I could.

Lee: You sure?

You: Yeah, I don't wanna put Clem in danger.

You look at Clem with a smile, she turns her head to the ground with a smile while blushing.

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