Chapter 121: Too Quiet

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You wake up in your bed. You feel Clem's arm wrapped around you. You look behind you to see Clem still asleep. You smile.

You check to make sure that AJ's still asleep. He is. You take Clem's arm off of you and you get out of bed. You kiss her on the cheek and she smiles.

You walk into the bathroom. You put on your shirt and glasses. You leave your hat for now.

You walk out of the room. You walk down the halls of the building until you reach the exit.

You open the door and you step out of the town hall. The sun is rising and the birds are chirping. You sigh. It's a peaceful morning.

You walk over to the gate. You open it and you step outside. You check and make sure that there aren't any walkers or people around. There aren't.

You walk over to a tree. You climb up. You hang off of one of its branches and you start doing pull-ups. Ryan always told you to count to a hundred. But not until it hurts.

After about thirty or so pull-ups, you start to feel the burn. You start counting to a hundred.

After doing a hundred painful pull-ups, you grab ahold of the tree and you climb back down.

You start working on your fighting. You get into a defensive stance. You do a roundhouse kick. You jab the air. You do a hook punch and an axe kick.

You turn around. You duck and you sweep the ground with your leg, pretending the ground's someone's leg.

You stand up. You crack your neck.

You: Good warmup.

Small timeskip
You're still training. You took off your shirt because it's starting to get hot.

Clem walks out the gate and sees you.

Clem: Hey.

You turn and see her with a bottle of water. You stop practicing.

You: Hey, beautiful.

You start panting.

She walks up to you and Clementine wipes the sweat off of your forehead.

Clem: Brought you some water.

She hands you the water.

You: Thanks.

You take off the cap and you drink. You put the cap back on and you set the bottle down on the ground.

You: How'd you sleep?

Clem: Real good. You?

You: Beautifully.

Clem: Why's that?

You: Well, I had a beautiful girl to sleep next to.

She smiles and blushes a little.

Clem: Well, I had a pretty handsome boy who kept me warm, so...I think I get the better end of the deal.

You: Whatever you say.

She giggles.

Clem: You comin' inside?

You: Yeah, just let me get my shirt.

You walk over to a tree and you pick up your shirt. You put it on and you walk back over to Clem. She offers you your hat and you take it. You put it on and you kiss Clem on the cheek.

You: Let's go.

You grab her hand and you both walk inside. You see people starting to come out of their houses. You see El walking with his sister and Anna.

You: Think they're together yet?

Clem: I don't know. You're the relationship expert.

You: True.

You both walk up to the line of people waiting for breakfast. You both grab a tray and you wait in line for your food.

You make it to the front and the lady gives you both eggs and bread. You made sure to get another tray filled for AJ.

You both walk over to the tables and you sit down. You and Clem start eating.

Clem: Today feels like a good day.

You: Well, don't say that.

Clem: Why not?

You: 'Cause whenever someone says something like that, something bad always happens.

Clem: Sorry.

You: No, don't be. I'm just a dork who reads too many comics.

A/N: Fun fact about me; I AM a dork who reads too many comics.

Clem: I'm just glad you can read at all. Unlike some people.

You both look over to see Gabe glaring at you.

Clem: Fuck that guy.

You: We agree on that.

You both continue eating breakfast.

AJ sits down next to you.

You: Morning, goofball. How'd you sleep?

He yawns and slams his face onto the table.

You: That good, huh?

He nods.

You: You hungry?

He nods again.

You slide him his tray. He takes his face off of the table and starts eating.

Jack sits down in front of you.

You: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hey... So, I was thinkin'...what if we bring the fight to them?

You: What?

Jack: Look, we don't know when they're gonna strike--they could be watching us right now and planning when to strike.

You: We're prepared. We can fight these guys. We've got over a thousand people just ready to shoot. I don't think we need to worry.

Jack: We have to worry about everything. If we let our guard down for so much as two seconds, that could be enough to set our entire settlement on fire.

Clem: Jack, you're worrying about nothing.

Jack: I know this is--

???: Jack?! Get out here, now!

You and Clem look at each other. You all stand up.

You, Clem, El, Anna, Jack, Javier, Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel all climb up the gate

A/N: Start playing the song at the top (Not mine).

You look over the gate to see an army of men with bows and arrows.

There's a man in front. He has a mask that looks like the skin of a pig's head.

Leader: We are here! We don't want to kill you. We offer one last chance! Give up your cattle...or die!

More men with bows and arrows appear from the woods. These people have flaming arrows.

The leader looks at you and Clem. He squints his eyes. He goes wide eyed.

???: I know you two...

You and Clem look at each other. Everyone beside you both look at you. You all look back at the leader.

You: We don't know you.

???: You don't recognize my voice?

You: We've heard a lotta voices.

???: Fine...

He takes off his mask.

You: Vince, you motherfucker.

The Walking Dead Clementine X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now