Chapter 125: New Best Friend?

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You walk into the building and you can hear the sound of a piano.

You: Follow the music. Check.

The admin building reminds you of the town hall at the Foundation. You walk around the staircase to see some fake flowers. You pick them up.

You: These look nice. Even if they are fake... You say, putting them away.

You start walking down the halls. You follow the music.

Girl: Gah!

Clem: AJ!

Girl: You little motherfucker! She says, holding her hand and walking out of the room to the left.

The girl spots you.

Girl: Hey. HEY.

You stop walking.

You: Uh...

Girl: 'Bout time you woke up. Your little boy just BIT me! She says, showing the bite mark. He's lucky I didn't take a boot to his head. Nearly took a chunk outta me. Gah, it hurts somethin' fierce.

You: God, I'm so sorry. He acts out sometimes. He's been through a lot.

Girl: Yeah, well, ain't we all? Don't see any of us sinking our teeth into either of you. Boy needs to learn some respect.

She walks past you. You walk around the corner to see Clem talking to AJ on one knee in some piano room.

Clem: AJ, you can't be doing things like that.

AJ: I didn't mean to!

Clem: I know, but--

You open the door and Clem and AJ look at you.

Clem and AJ: Y/N!

They both run up to you and hug you, and you hug back. Clem pulls out of the hug and looks at your head.

Clem: Oh, my god, your head!

She touches the bandage.

You: I'm fine, really.

Clem: You sure?

You smile.

You: Yeah.

???: You're not dead. That's good.

You all look at the boy who was playing the piano. The boy has dreadlocks and a brown jacket with a little fur lining on the collar. You're assuming that this is Louis. He turns to you.

Louis: Watched your girlfriend and kid for you.

AJ: My name is AJ.

Louis: Excuse me. I watched AJ for you.

You: Hope he didn't cause you any trouble.

Louis: He was a bit of a handful. But that doesn't even COMPARE to the way she acted.

You: Why's that?

Louis: She kept asking if you were okay and demanding to see you to make sure.

You look at Clem.

You: Aww, how sweet!

Clem looks at you. She smirks and puts her hand on her hip.

Clem: I'm gonna shoot you.

Louis continues playing.

Louis: I'm Louis.

You: I'm Y/N.

Clem: Clementine.

Louis: Oh, yeah! Totally forgot. Marlon left your bag here somewhere.

You spot Clem's bag.

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