Chapter 133: Fishing

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Clementine's POV
You're walking to the stream with AJ, Brody, and Violet.

Brody: You know, I've been thinkin'... I wish we could all go on a road trip together.

Violet: Road trip? Why bother? It's not like there's anything worth seeing anymore.

Brody: Oh, c'mon. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to see. Maybe Y/N could show us around. He's able to get a car working and he knows how to drive!

Violet: Barely.

Brody: C'mon, Vi! I've never driven in my life, but I'd love to learn.

Clem: Yeah, I don't know. I think I'd rather stay off the road.

Brody: Aw, come on. There's so much to see!

Violet: Yeah. Like dead people, dead people, and more dead people.

Brody: Oh, ha, ha. You really know how to lift someone's spirits, Vi.

Violet: Just pointing out the truth.

You all walk across a small wooden bridge.

AJ: Are we going to the car?

Clem: No, bud, it's broken.

AJ: Good. I'm sick of the car.

You all approach the shack. Brody walks up to an old rundown blue pickup truck.

Brody: I wish this old rust bucket was still working. We could just jump in and start driving. We could take turns sitting in the back--it'd be like driving one of those cars with the top that goes down!

Violet: We'd run out of gas eventually.

Brody turns around.

Brody: But still! It's fun to imagine, isn't it?

Violet rolls her eyes, turns around, and walks a short distance away.

Brody: Where would you go, Clem? If you could drive anywhere you wanted? If gas wasn't an issue.

Violet: Or a busted carburetor, or flat tires, or the transmission--

Brody: Buzzkill.

Clem: I'd drive down to the coastline. Maybe park on the beach and go swimming with Y/N.

Brody: That'd be an absolute dream.

You raise your eyebrow.

Brody: Oh, I mean, going to a beach! Not the swimming with Y/N part. You could spend every day in the sun...

Violet: And die of skin cancer. Fun.

Brody: We're all gonna die. I'll take skin cancer over turning into a walker any day. I've lived here my entire life. Heck, I'd say I know every inch of these woods. I'd kind of like to un-know it.

Violet turns around.

Violet: No use dreaming of what could be. We've got shit to do.

Brody: Yeah. I guess we should get to work on those fish.

Brody starts walking over to the shack.

Brody: We got spears inside the shack. C'mon.

You and AJ follow her.

Violet: You go ahead. I'll stay out here.

You, Brody, and AJ walk inside the shed.

Brody: Where are those spears?

Brody crouches next to a table. The door closes by itself. Brody sighs.

Brody: Hey...about Vi...

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