Chapter 85: Not Exactly Forgiveness

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You and Clem decided to make a little campsite for just the two of you. You both sit next to each other at a fire. Clem rests her head on your shoulder.

Clem: This is nice.

You: Yeah, it is.

Clem: It feels like this was always meant to happen. Like we were always gonna do this.

You: I know. I...I can't even describe how I feel right now.

You chuckle.

You: Imagine if Gabe saw this.

Clem: He doesn't have a crush on me, Y/N.

You: I don't know how you weren't able to see it. He kept trying to impress you by making it seem like I was the idiot. He basically tried to win you over.

Clem: Well, either way; YOU won me over.

You smile at her and she smiles back.

All of a sudden, you hear walkers moan from a distance.

You both stand up.

You whisper: Stay here.

You run over to a tree and you take cover. You peek to see a small group of walkers roaming around.

You whisper: Shit!

You run back over to Clem.

You whisper: We got a small herd.

Clem whisper: Crap!

You have a plan. You look at Clem's flannel shirt around her waist.

You whisper: I need that.

She takes off her flannel and hands it to you. You cut little eyeholes into it.

You whisper: Turn around.

She turns around. You wrap the flannel around her face, so that it covers her whole face. You tie a knot with the sleeves. She turns around.

Clem whisper: What're you doing?

You whisper: Smell isn't the only type of camouflage. If they don't see our faces, we can blend in.

She looks at the approaching herd. She looks back at you with worry in her eyes.

You whisper: You're gonna have to trust me.

She looks hesitant.

Clem whisper: I trust you.

You whisper: Good.

You take off your hat and you put it in your bag. You put your hood and glasses on.

You whisper: You need to act apart. Do some slight walker moans and groans, and you'll be fine. And limp a little.

Clem whisper: I'm scared.

You grab her hands.

You whisper: I won't let anything hurt you.

She nods.

You walk over to Dyla, you grab Retribution and your rifle and you strap them over your backpack. You spank Dyla and she runs off.

You walk over to Clem. You put your bandana on your face. You take her hand. You both proceed to walk through the small herd.

As you occasionally moan and groan while limping through the herd, you can hear Clem's breathing get a little shaky. You squeeze her hand tighter, letting her know that you won't let go.

Small timeskip
You both managed to make it out of the herd. You both run over to a small open area with very little trees.

You take off your bandana and hood. Clem takes off her flannel.

The Walking Dead Clementine X Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें