Chapter 171: Everyone

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A/N: Just a quick announcement; I have only 18 chapters left of space. So I'm afraid that this story will soon be coming to an end. Not this chapter, don't worry.

Louis and Violet let go of Clementine, and she immediately runs up next to Y/N's bed and gets on her knees.

Clem: Y/N, Y/N, I'm here! I'm here!

He doesn't wake up.

Clem: Y/N? Y/N, wake up!

You look back at Ruby.

Clem: What's wrong with him?

Ruby: He's either unconscious, or he's in a coma. But his body just went through one hell of a battle.

She looks at his left hand and sees that it's burnt.

Ruby: My guess is that it's from the explosion y'all were talkin' about.

She looks back at Y/N. She puts her hand on his cheek.

Clem whisper: ...Please wake up.

Your POV
You're still stuck in the empty void. You hear Clementine's voice echo.

Clem whisper: ...Please wake up.

You: Clem?! Clementine?!

You start running.

You: Clem, where are you?!

You stop running when a giant light shines down on you. You cover your eyes with your hand.

You see someone walk out to you from the void. He gets close enough for you to realize that it's your father.

You: Dad. So I guess this means I'm dead.

He shakes his head.

Dad: No.

You raise your eyebrow.

You: What? But I was bit.

Dad: And you fought it off.

You: What're you talking about?

Dad: You are the first person who has ever been able to fight off the walker within you.

You look at the evil version of yourself.

You: Is that who that was?

You look back at your father.

You: The walker within me?

He nods.

You sigh.

You: I thought I was fighting for soul for a second... But wait, what about the explosion?

Dad: That explosion gave you the strength to fight off the walker within you.

You look down.

Dad: What's the matter, son?

You: Clementine.

Dad: What about her?

You: Does she think I'm dead?

You look up at your father.

You: Does everyone think I'm dead?

Dad: No. They found you.

You: So can I leave?

Dad: That's up to you.

You: What?

He turns around and starts walking away.

Dad: It's up to you to be worthy of leaving.

You: Wait! What does that mean?

Your father turns around.

Dad: It means you have to prove to yourself that you're able wake up.

You: You won't let me leave?! How the hell am I supposed to prove myself if I'm stuck in some dark box?!

Your father snaps his fingers, brining you to another area. In this area, you're in the nursery of the school.

You see Clementine on a chair next to your bedside. She's holding your right hand, which gives your right palm a warm sensation.

Clem: Hey, Y/N... It's Clementine again. I just came to see if you managed to wake up yet... After a week, I thought you'd be up, but I guess not.

Your thoughts: A week?!

Clem: AJ's still wearing your hat. He's come here every now and then.

Clementine looks down. Her bottom lip starts to quiver and her eyes start to water. She looks up at you.

Clem: I just want you to know that I love you. So, so much... And that I miss you...

She starts crying.

Clem: I remember the last time I saw you like this... It was after the motor inn. When you lost your eye... I was so scared, because I thought I'd never be able to say thank you... And everyday, I'd think about how if I had just gotten behind the RV with you, none of that would've happened... And now I have to think about why I wasn't with you when you got bit...

She kiss your hand, giving your hand a warm sensation.

Clem: I need you to wake up, Y/N... I can't go on with knowing that you're suffering alone.

You start to tear up.

Clem: I did not just lose you, then get you back, just so I could lose you again in front of me...

She bows her head.

Clem: Please wake up...

You look up at the ceiling.

You: I'm worthy! I swear! Just please let this nightmare end!

You're in a new location. You're at a familiar campsite.

Someone touches your shoulder. You look behind you to see Kenny.

You turn around.

You: ...Kenny?

Kenny: Hey, pal.

You hug him and he hugs back.

You whisper: I'm so sorry...

Kenny whisper: Don't say that.

He pulls out of the hug.

Kenny: You gave me peace. You gave me my son back.

Someone walks up to you. You look around Kenny to see Duck, Katjaa, and Sarita.

Kenny: I'm with them. And it's all thanks to you.

Duck waves at you, and you wave back.

???: Real good to see you again.

You look behind you to see Omid.

You: Omid?

Omid: Hey, man.

You look back at Kenny.

You: How many of you are there?

Everyone starts approaching. Ben, Mark, Luke, Nick, Pete, Shawn Greene, Rebecca, Carley, Alvin, Sarah, Zach, everyone you knew.

Your parents and your brother walk up to you. They all smile at you.

You run up to them and you all hug. You start crying on your mother's shoulder.

Mom whisper: I am so proud of you.

Jack whisper: ...We all are.

You pull out of the hug.

Dad: You're ready.

You nod.

Your father puts his hand on your forehead. You close your eyes.

Dad: ...Wake up.

Clementine's POV
You feel fingers intertwine with yours. You gasp and you look up at Y/N. Y/N opens his left eye and looks at you.

Y/N: There's the face I've been wanting to see.

You smile.

The Walking Dead Clementine X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now