Chapter 91: Womanhood

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You all walk down the hallway to hear Tripp and Eleanor arguing.

Tripp muffled: Elle, I been thinking hard about this and...I really think we should be...a thing.

Eleanor muffled: I'm sorry. I don't know if I feel like that.

Kate opens the door and smiles at Javier.

Eleanor muffled: That way. Look... I just don't know.

Kate hugs Javier.

Eleanor muffled: It's shown me that I'm good at helping people. I can do that here.

Tripp muffled: But I can't do anything here! You know they don't want any of the rest of us like they want you! Would you be happy never seeing me again?

Javier: You...still pissed at me?

Kate: Just shut up while I'm hugging you.

You see a girl with a shaved head leaned against a wall. She goes wide eyed when she sees you.

You run up to her and you take out your hidden blade. You grab her shoulder and you prepare yourself to drive your hidden blade into her skull.

Javier: Woah, woah, woah! She's with us!

You: If you try collecting me...I won't hesitate.

You sheathe you're hidden blade and you let go of her shoulder.

Javier: Y/N, this is Ava. She's a friend.

Ava: Y/N? Do you know Clementine?

You: Yeah. I'm guessing she's talked about me?

Ava: Yeah.

Tripp and Eleanor walk up to Javier.

Tripp: Where have you been?

Javier: Joan threw me and David into jail, if you can believe it.

Tripp: Great. So you gave these people more reason to hate us.

Eleanor: What is going on here in Richmond? You know more about this place than the rest of us. What do we do?

Javier: We just can't trust Joan. She's trying to remove David from power by pinning murders on him.

Tripp: Told you we couldn't trust them.

Kate: I'm sorry about what's going on with David, but we should've gotten out of here when we had the chance. We still need to get out of here, Javi. Let's go.

Javier: There's too much unfinished business here.

Kate: Javi!

Javier: Sorry, we can't leave yet.

Eleanor: Have you guys even looked out the window? Go look for yourself.

You walk over to the window and you open the blinds to see a giant herd of walkers outside the gate.

You: Hm. Well, that ain't good.

Eleanor: Javi, even if you did get your brother free, you're not gonna be able to go anywhere.

Kate: Look at that! We should have left when we had a chance. Now we're stuck here.

Javier: I didn't make that happen. It's not my fault.

Kate: We had the opportunity. We should've gone.

You: I'm sorry. But are you crazy? That herd would've hit you the second you stepped foot out there.

Kate: I'd rather take my chances out there than in here.

Ava: Then you're an idiot. Look at you! You wouldn't have lasted eight seconds past those walls.

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