Chapter 21

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Amina Jackson 18Miami, Florida

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Amina Jackson
Miami, Florida

"Dad..." I looked at him walking forward towards the couch.

One thing I never wanted do was see my dad disappointed in me he was there for me every step of the way. My first steps, My first period even though he didn't know what he was doing, my first and last day of school. He really my rock.

"Dad I don't want you to be disappointed or look at me differently." I shook my head trying to clear my eyes of tears. He always made me emotional whenever I'm around him I could just be Amina not Ruthless but Amina. The girl he spoiled and cried over little things. My dad still kisses my booboos if I fall in his house.

How the hell am I going to tell him I kill people and sell drugs.

"Amina now!" He shouted. See now he scaring me.

"Calm down please." I played with my fingers as I looked everywhere but him. "I'm Despiadada."

As I looked up I seen my dads eyebrows raise. "Amina, you can't be." He shook his head scooting away from me.

"Daddy please." I looked at him as he looked back at me with nothing but disappointment.

"So you killed people and come right over here. Not an ounce of guilt for the lives you have taken?" He scrunched his face up. "I gave you everything. You never had to work for nothing. Why Amina why?"

I took a deep breath gathering my thoughts, " Yes you gave me everything but I wanted to get it on my own. I wanted to buy my own house! My own car! Support myself! I wanted the finest things in life and I wasn't about to let you break your back in half to get it for me."

When I first started this business I knew exactly what I was getting into. I use to watch the neighborhood corner boys from my car and watch how they would sell. I kept tabs on kingpins to see how they moved and noticed mistakes they all would make. Flaunting their money and showing off their guns which kept them in trouble. Always led to their family getting involved I've been in the game for 2 years now. By keeping my mouth closed and working behind the scene I haven't been in anything besides some slick ass corner boys trying to steal. My family has been untouched.

"Amina I was in the game I know how dangerous it is, but I was nothing like you though. I was just a corner boy that did a couple drops making maybe 3 grand a week." He shook his head looking down. "Mimi I'm more than positive your pulling more bank than any Nigga moving weight right now."

To say I was SHOCKED I didn't know my dad was in the game shit. I see how his old ass move. How his old ass know who in the game though let me find out.

"Dad you have to trust me and tell no one who I am I'm still Amina, Mina and Mimi ! Nobody could know about the other me promise me." I looked in his eyes as a smile spread across his face.

"Promise." He smiled a little more. "My daughter is Despiadada but you can call her ruthless." He started dying laughing as if he just said the funniest shit ever.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. I went and looked through the peep hole seeing Bones, Zay, Ant, and the crew on the porch.

Opening the door wide letting them in, "I need the house spotless most importantly I need her alive in the red room by the tile I get there." I pointed at a nearly dead but still breathing body in the corner.

I received head nods before they immediately got back to work. "Daddy go pack a bag your coming to my house for a week or 2. Not because your in danger but they are about to deep clean your house." I grabbed my phone as I stood up from the couch.

"Dad is that gun registered?" I looked over at him before I left the house completely.

"Hell nawl... ima felon baby I can't have a firearm." He shrugged his shoulders walking upstairs to his room to pack a bag.

I walked over to Bones who was standing by my car. "You told him didn't you." He smirked as he looked down at me.

I nodded my head as he pulled me into him. "It's gon be ight babygirl. He still gon love you the same." He rocked me side to side making me laugh.

I really honestly love this boy! He been here through EVERY THING.

"Oh can I pick up the Twins I want them to know my face." He chuckled as he looked at me.

"Sure let me go get them from across the street first."  He nodded at me then followed me as I walked across the street. I knocked on the door waiting for her to open. When she did I seen the twins still in their car seats and their baby bags still next to them as of they haven't moved. I walked over to th to see their tear stained faces now sleeping.

Oh ya she not watching them again.

Without causing a big deal I picked my kids up thanked her and left. Just that simple she went from momma to Theresa not even Ms.Theresa.

Bones grabbed one car seat as we walked back over to my car laughing and talking.

"Damn y'all look like a happy little family." Zay joked causing me and Bones to look up at him with a mug.

"Aye lil bruh I was here before you I'm gon  be here during you and I'm gon be there after you.. you can gone on with all that insecure shit it's not cute." He laughed as he buckled Amir into the back seat then coming to grab Amour from my hands. "Cuz about this one.... I'll shoot every single one of your corner boys and cousins and send you their eyeballs. I'll put a bag on your head and make yo momma shoot you just to kill her too and bury her next to you."

Bones opened my drivers door and gave me a hug and a kiss on my head. "Call me when you on your way home ima meet you there." He walked away from my door as I watched him to make sure he got to his car. I made sure his car started and watched as he backed out his spot then headed down the street.

"You just gonna flirt with that nigga in my face?" He scrunched his face up looking at me "You really checkin for the nigga bad!"

Where was all this when he just threatened your moms nigga..... where was this energy.

He shook his head.

"You not my nigga. Never went on a date, asked me out,  spent one on one time, none of that." I chuckled a little bit looking at him. "The most we did was FaceTime and you was on the game the whole time."

I chuckled a little more "or that weak ass cuddle session but all the kids were up there so it barely even counts."

What the fuck he thought this was.

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