Chapter 14

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Zachary " Zay"   Cole22 years oldMiami, Florida

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Zachary " Zay" Cole
22 years old
Miami, Florida

Today was a chill day just me, the gang and Isaiah, minus Dior and Aaliyah. We were chilling lounging just talking.

"Aye don't forget we have a meeting with that nigga Ruthless or Despiadada whatever that nigga wanna go by." Chino reminded us as he typed on his phone most likely responding to the group chat talking about the sleepover tonight at Amina's house.

"What nigga calls his self Despiadada shouldn't the shit be Despiadado since he a nigga?" Ant looked up from his phone shaking his head.

"One thing I do know y'all curse around my son again ima slap the shit outta y'all." I mumbled as they mugged me

"Nigga didn't you just curse!!" Capo said squinting his eyes at me.

I been round these niggas since before I got shawty pregnant and had Isaiah. Me Ant and Pooter been tight since diapers. Them REALLY my brother!

I met Ant when I was lower than a corner boy we both were bagging at the same trap. I was around 10-12 my moms was out bad. She used every and any drug she could think of. Believe it or not me and her had a good ass bond up until she did some shit I would never forgive her for.

Me and my little brother was playing the game. Just kids being kids. She came home high off her ass I didn't want my little brother seeing that shit so I turned the system off and told him to go pick out his clothes for school. I usually let him pick out his clothes then in the morning help him put an outfit together based on what he pulled out. He was only in going to daycare so of course he would pull out some crazy shit.

I was supposed to be my brother protector. I blame my self for not walking him up those stairs or not paying attention to where she went. As my brother was walking up the stairs she yelled " Why the fuck aren't these dishes done!" So I thought she was in the kitchen. Less than a minute later she threw a lamp down the stairs out of anger. It hit him in his chest as the lamp broke due to it being glass. He fell down the stairs from the top to the bottom landing in his chest pushing the glass deeper. He couldn't cry he couldn't even scream. I grabbed my little brother and ran full speed to the neighbors house banging and banging. When they finally opened the door and saw the sight they called the police. She tried to blame it on me saying I did it because I was mad. It didn't make it no better because they already tried to put me on pills to control my anger but I wasn't taking them. Acting an ass at school and getting into fight didn't help either.

His name was Isaiah. I named my son after my brother. Even though I couldn't protect him I'll protect my son with ever breath in my body.

"Damn Zay you good?" Ant tapped my shoulder with his eyebrows scrunched. "Yo ass been staring into space for a good 20 minutes." He started chuckling while everyone else just looked at me.

"If you going to Minas you might wanna start getting mini Zay ready. We all boutta head over there after we leave here." Capo said walking upstairs to the guess room where he kept extra clothes for when his moms lock him out the house for staying out too late.

Ion know why he keep trying her. No matter how many times she beat his ass and embarrass him he still come out. He make double the amount of any other 16 year old doing it! Yet he live like the normal 16 year old.

"Ya gimmie a minute." I stood up making my way to Isaiah's Room with him on my hip. I got him dressed in a red and grey Jordan onesie, his gray sweats and his red Jordan sneakers.

 I got him dressed in a red and grey Jordan onesie, his gray sweats and his red Jordan sneakers

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"Dadi!" Isaiah said tapping my leg. I ignored him as I walked out his room. His lil boat-legged ass followed me to my room down the hall. "Dadiiiii!" He yelled this time.

"Yes sirrr!" I looked down at him he held up a closed condom he found on the floor.

"Open!" He lifted it to me. I told him no and went to grab it but he backed away. He turned around and ran to the guest room and closed the door.

I honestly would've caught him if I applied just a LITTLE effort but I didn't really care I know he going to run into Capo nem and ask the same shit they going to take it from him and he's going to throw this tantrum.  Only difference is I won't have to deal with it. I packed me and his bag then walked to the living room.

"Ight my crew lets go!" I announced as we all jumped in my car. I buckled Isaiah up as capo sat in the passenger seat, ant and chino was in the back.

As we are driving down the road towards Aminas house a cop pulls behind us. "Shit, y'all don't have shit on y'all right?" I asked for reassurance.

"We never bring shit to your crib his lil bad ass get into everything. Earlier he told me to open a condom for him."  He chuckled,  "So I did I even  filled it with a little water and gave it back he been entertaining since."

"Capo you gave my son a water filled condom!!!" I looked over at him then back at the road. Just as expected the cops lights came on. I pulled over to the side of the road.

As the cop walked up to my side of the car Isaiah started swinging the condom balloon. I tried to reach back to grab the shit but when I reached back the cop was by my window.

His gun drawn "Stop! Don't fucking move hands where I could see them." He had his gun pointed directly at me.

"Sir my son is in the car please don't shoot!" I held my hands up as I looked only at him. In my head I said a little prayer.

God please don't take me away from my son. Let me protect him! I failed once please don't let me fail again!

"Shut the fuck up hands up where I can see him." He used his walkie talkie on his shoulder to call for back up. "To dispatch requesting backup to dispatch requesting back up"

"Sir what do you need back up for I'm not resisting do you want me to get out of the car?" At this point I would do anything to protect my son.

"Don't fucking move!!! Get out of the car!" He yelled causing Isaiah to cry.

"Dadi dadiiii !" He screamed as he tried to get out of his seat but Ant just pulled him into his seat and tried to calm him down. But he continued to scream for me! It took everything in me not to grab him and tell him it's gonna be ok. I couldn't. My pops taught me to follow specific instructions when dealing with this I have to protect him so I drown him out . I listened to everything the officer said and watched what he did.

I slowly grabbed the handle of the door like he told me to "DONT FUCKING MOVE!!!! He's gotta GUN!!" The cop yelled and fired 4 shots into the car!

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