Chapter 10

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Amina Jackson 18Miami, florida

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Amina Jackson
Miami, florida

"Tyrone I did what?" I scrunched my face up pushing my hair out my face. I pushed him out the way and rolled the stroller through the door.

I set the babies up the same way I did at Mamma's, but before I laid them down I burped them so they would fall straight to sleep.

"Ok back to you." I laid both of them down and put 2 pillows on the floor since his back couch cushions are bigger so they have less space. "What did I do again?"

"Amina Monroe Jackson. Did  you clown Laylanni and try to down her in front of other people then jump  her over a boy?" He questioned walking toward the kitchen. A couple seconds later I heard the water running so I guess he's washing his hands.

"Daddy you know me! If I would've put my hands on that girl she wouldn't be breathing right now!" I chuckled as he came back into the living room drying his hands with a paper towel. " I do DAMAGE when I'm fighting alone YOU know that you and uncle Leroy taught me! If I jumped her you really think she would've been able to call you? The next or same day?" 

I don't jump!!  That just means you're weak asf! How you gonna have beef with a bitch you can't beat up thats sad! I have a no jumping tolerance I hate that shit!  And he know that!

"Ok that does make sense I'm sorry for accusing you of that part but you need to check on Laylanni she called me and said that. When I saw you pulling the stroller in and a boy walking of my porch I was like well shit this lil girl might be right." He shook his head as he picked up Amir and rubbed his back then laid him in his arms. "So for that part I sincerely apologize now explain the kids."

I don't need to check in shit! But she will get checked.

"Well I went to highschool with this girl and we were at a party they started shooting." I paused and he nodded for me to continue. "She ended up getting shot in the stomach so I put her in her car and drove her to the hospital. When she was on the gurney she told me to bring her kids to the hospital because she knew she was gonna die. Me and a couple guys went to her house to pick them up to find the door open and the dad dead on the ground we searched everywhere for the kids finding them inside a room. Amour had blood in her diaper indicating she was raped. So, we picked them up and left the house taking them to the hospital to see her. Once she came out of surgery she held them and told me how she was already dying and didn't want to leave the kids with their dad. She went on to tell me  how she didn't have any family I felt so bad." I looked up at my dad as I forced a tear to come down my face.

Mina look in his eyes don't break contact sell the story !

"Daddy she told me to take them since she knew I would take great care of them. So I told her I would, I ended taking them to Nana's house as we got the paper work ready so they won't fall into the system. When she signed the paper work. I told her I would let her see the babies when ever she wanted to. Daddy we had it all planned out!!! Sh-she didn't even leave the hospital before she started doing drug. She made it out of surgery and beat the odds just to overdose! How could she do that to these babies!" At this point I'm just bawling out crying.

Good job you did what you had to do! You're protecting everyone the least they know the better.

"Aww dammit" he stood up and place Amir on his back and came over to me. "Princess you are now legally their parents! Yes your young and yes I wish you would have thought it through first before you mad such a huge decision." He sighed wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm gonna be a better mom than her dad! I'm not gonna push their feeling to the side. Not gonna make them feel unwanted or make them feel as if they are a pawn in my own little game! I promise I'm gonna be better than her." I looked up at him through my lashes and he just kissed my forehead as he rocked me telling me that he knows and understands.

We stayed in this position for a good 10 minutes before Amour woke up and started to whine I picked her up and sat her on my lap bouncing her while she laid on her back. I laid her on my shoulder and she eventually calmed down and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I sighed and laid back as she laided on my chest breathing lightly.

"It look like you can use a break." My dad chuckled. Honestly I was fine I haven't had to spend a night with them alone and I didn't want to just throw them on other people, but I need to go check on business. Since I'm a mom now I need to find a way to clean my money! Ain't no way in hell my daddy won't catch on now! Honestly let's be real he don't give me much!

"You sure dad you haven't babysat kids in a while." I looked over at him and he blow air out his mouth and mugged me. "Ok ok you can have them until tomorrow around this time. Formula is in the bag extra clothes and pampers are in the bag. They don't watch Cocomelon so play rugrats or something. They eat ever 2-3 hours last time they ate was on the way here as in walking across the street from mommas." I sighed trying to see if I'm forgetting anything. " OH! Check their diaper ever 30 minutes they have a diaper rash I'm trying to get rid of."

He nodded his head as he looked at me with the are you done yet face.

"Alright I'll go ... if you DONT want to do it speak now." I waited about three minutes just looking at him look at me.

"Amina get the fuck out my house." He got up to escort me out.

"Wait wait lemme say bye." I walked over to the couch and kissed  both of their foreheads and rubbed their belly causing Amour to kick her feet. "Ima FaceTime y'all tonight so answer!" I looked at my dad waiting on him to nod in agreement which he did.

With that I walked out of the house and went to my car.

First Semaj now Laylanni ima just gonna kill both of them fuck it! I have no time to spare lives there are kids involved.

To Semaj 😈: Dinner at the east house 30 minutes

To scoe🤘🏽: clean up crew needed at East house on call 30 minutes. Backup heavy guards. Only tell the back up guards Semaj is not apart of this mission he's on another mission.

I pulled off from my parking spot making sure to check my mirrors and my surroundings at all times. At the red light I pulled my phone out and texted Laylanni.

To Lay💕🥴: I'm on my way to your house lets hash this out you been my bestie since 5th grade🥺.

I drove to her house in silence. I pulled up and hopped out the car went over to the front door and put it on child lock along with the backdoors. Then got back in the car.

About 10 minutes later I blew the horn and she pushed the curtain to the side checking who it was. She came downstairs in a pink jumpsuit and her Chanel sandals .

 She came downstairs in a pink jumpsuit and her Chanel sandals

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Atleast she gonna go out looking decent.

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