Chapter 7

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Amina Jackson 18Miami, Florida

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Amina Jackson
Miami, Florida

"Mina who kids are these?" Aaliyah cooed as she attempted to touch Amir's hair.

Key word attempted .

I don't play that please don't touch my damn kids I would really slide yo ashy ass!

I pushed the stroller to the side and shook my head no "Please don't touch my kids no offense and no disrespect ion roll like that." I said with all seriousness if she wanted to get buck and apply pressure I'll send her fingers to her momma house don't play with me.

"No I understand I get where you coming from" she nodded her head and smiled.

"No seriously Mina who kids are these?!" Lay came up asking louder and walking up to the stroller  trying to touch my damn kids.

"Now Lay. You my bitch and all but the same rules apply to you! Don't touch my damn kids! And notice how I keep saying MY KIDS" I was getting agitated and she was about to piss me off. I feel like she was trying to hoe me after she heard me just say my kids so I said again so she could get the picture.

"Girl if anything these my god children. If they yours." She scrunched her face up pushed her head back.

Who said that?

If you out here popping pussy and lying about the bodies you got .....on video then baby I don't want you around my daughter. Shit I don't want you around my son either.

"Lay we can talk about that whole statement later in private." I pushed the stroller towards the tables across from the booth they were sitting in and gave them their bottles but I gave them water. Since they had milk and cereal not to long ago.

Lay scuffed and went to sit next to Ant who was on his phone on FaceTime cheesing and shit. Just looking goofy as hell!

" Ok so we gonna shop then eat or we gonna eat then shop?" I asked breaking the awkward silence that Laylanni caused being extra asf !

"We can shop first." Zay stood up stretching causing everyone to stand up except for Lay.

"Ima eat first." She smirked and pulled her phone out.

"Well move yo ass out the way I'm not staying right here." Ant scrunched his face up mugging the side of her head. She still didn't move "Dawg Getcho ass up before I do you filthy at this food court."

Ooouuu she better get up...he sound serious and she know her brother can't fight and wanna beef with me knowing I be protecting her ass.

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