Part Sixty One

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Here's the another update!

Part Sixty One

Asad stirred, he turned to his left and almost fell, he moved in and turned to other side, he reached for his wife but found it empty, he opened his sleep laden eyes slightly, his blurry vision showed the empty bed, his brows furrowed, he laid on his back and waited to listen any movement around, he called out to her after a couple of minutes.

"Zoya" he called her twice but didn't get any reply, he forced his eyes open and checked the time, it was three in the morning, he sat up and looked at the bathroom.

He called out to her thinking she was in there, he frowned getting no response, pushing the comforter, he knocked on the door, no response, usually if she was in there , she would grunt in response. He turned the knob , as it clicked, he looked at the empty washroom.

"Must be in kitchen stuffing herself" He muttered walking out of his room and directly walked towards kitchen without calling out.

He frowned as the lights were off, she wasn't there too, Zoya hated being alone in dark places, she would switch on the light if she was alone.

He was fully awake now and something didn't feel right, he ignored that feeling and started calling out to her, he ran upstairs again, checked his room's balcony and every room.

"Zoya this is a sick joke, come out!" He shouted. He stared around him bewildered , panic was building in, his heart was pounding crazily in his chest, he walked towards the entrance and his heart stopped noticing it was unlocked, he quickly ran out bare feet and then saw the unlocked gate, the keys were dangling from the lock.

"Zoya!" He screamed running in the lane. He looked around frantically, he quickly came back to his house and looked around in the lawn, his heart was beating crazily, he couldn't believe it.

"Sir!" He heard the other bodyguard rushing to him.

"You didn't see her leaving?!" He shouted.

"I wasn't on duty..."Asad glared at him.

"What are you looking at? Take out the car and go search for her!" He barked his order.

How could she take this step? This woman had loads of  explaining to do when he finds her, if he find her, his heart thudded at that thought. He ran to his room, grabbed his bike keys, took out his bike and drove off in the opposite direction of guard.

The darkness of night was scattering as the the light rays of sun reached it before it came out, the peace that surrounds the world at this time, the cool breeze and it felt so pure, the sky was lighting up , the morning had reached as the sun was slowly ascending to take its position and cast it's warm rays to wake up the world to a new day.

The sight was so beautiful that it could provide peace and contentment to any soul watching it but not her, her heart wasn't at rest, the peace around her can't calm her restlessness, what was it? Why does it feel like something heavy had settled on her heart and something was clawing in her stomach? She was unable to express what she was feeling, why was she so restless?

"Zainab?" Gafoor rested his hand on her shoulder to grab her attention. She was sitting on the bench in the lawn of Ayaan's house.

She gave him a tight-lipped smile and faced ahead. She didn't understand what was happening around her, Zoya wasn't feeling well, Gafoor's health wasn't any better, while she was juggling between her husband and daughter, she was informed they were leaving to meet their other daughter whom she missed dearly.

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