Part Eight

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Part Eight

The sun was shining at it's zenith, it was a hot day , the scorching heat couldn't deter the people from carrying out their daily duties, everyone was busy, some sat in their air-conditioned cars and others on their bikes or other sources of traveling, though complaining about the sudden change in the weather but nevertheless carrying out with their works, the roads were crowded as people  tried to reach their destinations and some were taking a break from work to have lunch, kids waiting to reach home after their half day school ended, Asad stood near the window of his cabin staring out, observing the busy road, he was neither in mood to work nor felt hungry, to have lunch, there was something bothering him, though he was successful in trying to keep the thoughts at bay until the meeting finished but now they were bothering him and he couldn't do any work.

A week had passed since his Nikah, a week and it felt no different from the life he had lived before marrying Zoya, the only difference was that there was someone at home but to be truthful no one who awaits his arrival. He last saw her talking was only when her parents had visited her next day of Nikah, he had expected her to complain about his warning to her father but she didn't, instead she assured her parents she was fine, off course she was fine not that he was torturing her in any way, Ayaan had left the same night and Zoya retreated to her shell of silence, but next day she asked about how things work in his house and he thought maybe she wanted to give a chance to their Nikah but he was wrong, though Zoya was living with him he never felt that he had someone to share his house with, she stayed in room mostly or living room if he was in the room, she would avoid his company as much as possible, except for breakfast and dinner or when they have to share the same room , she would reply in monosyllables if asked anything, it was frustrating. He hadn't found himself doing anything to change that, there wasn't anyone with them and he had given her time to get comfortable in the house but looks like his wife wasn't putting any effort to be a part of the house or putting enough effort to be a part of furniture, stay in place and silent, He did think about it but hadn't done anything to change her, but today morning the call informing him that his Khala and sister would be arriving next week as Nuzhat's exams are ending by next Monday and she has a long break, they were planning to stay with him throughout the holidays and plan the Walima, has startled him, if the behavior he and Zoya had adopted continues infront of Khala she'll know what's up with them. More than that he was frustrated at his shattered expectations, he had hoped things would be different after Nikah, he didn't expect her to warm up with him right away , at least be cordial with him but she kept away from him as if he was something dangerous, He was a married man now and he can’t just stay like this as if he has married a statue , she was his wife and she has to change into more confident one and come out of this shell. Then the message bothered him, they couldn't trace the number and he had a vague idea who could be behind this but he can't just act on instincts.

"Come in" He kept his back turned to the door, his secretary entered.

"Sir your meeting with new head of  BlissDomain upcoming Monday.." Prasad went on informing about his schedule for the week but Asad wasn't listening his eyes were following the couple waiting for the traffic to clear, settled on the bike in the blazing sun , struck in traffic but that didn't deter the smiles on their face as they talked about something, the woman's hand was resting on the man's shoulder, they looked happy just by being with each other and nothing mattered, it didn't give Asad any warm feeling of watching the love still being in the busy world instead it filled him with a kind of hollowness that made him regret marrying Zoya,most importantly under the conditions they got married.



"Huh?" Asad turned around to look at Prasad who was studying his face with curiosity.

Dealing with Unluckiness (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora