Part Nine

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Part Nine

A pair of dark brown eyes, twinkling with mischief, the dark hair cascading down the shoulders blowing with the wind, a smile that lit her complete face and the dimples tucked under her cheeks marked their presence as she laughed. He was drowning in those eyes, the laugh was contagious, he found himself laughing and her face was pulling him towards a sensation he knew would capture him forever, he couldn't resist more. He moved closer to her , her eyes widened but she didn't move back, she stood there even as he closed the distance between them , he reached his hand to touch her dimple and he was broken out of his reverie.

Asad sat up straight, his phone slid down to the floor, he quickly retrieved it and checked, it wasn't damaged and sat properly on his chair and looked around his surroundings, he was in his office and daydreaming about his wife. He looked down at cell and he knew why that happened, he had managed to lay his hands on some of old pictures of Zoya when they had last visited her parents for dinner, sneakily he had taken pictures of the photos of Zoya from the album Humaira had given him, mostly all were of her in hijaab, he found a couple of them without hijaab but they couldn't match what he sees everyday, her hair looked beautiful in reality. He was going through them so lost in her smiles that he daydreamed while sitting in his office cabin.

"Have control on your emotions" he reprimanded himself and pulled the file he was studying. He managed to keep control over his thoughts and get some work done, his cell beeped with a reminder.

"Ya Allah , Khala is arriving today" He quickly got his things in order and packed them, left informing Prasad. He bought some sweets that Khala and Nuzhat liked, some snacks , ice cream tubs after offering Asr prayer and hurried home.

"As-Salam-u-Alaikum" He greeted entering the house with parcels.

"Walekumassalam sir " Maids replied , Asad dumped everything on dining table.

"Keep the ice creams in refrigerator and sort out these, where is Zoya?" He ordered and asked.

"Upstairs in your room sir" Hama replied.

He left to his room thinking to inform Zoya about Khala's flight , he had troubled her enough worrying her about Khala. He hurriedly entered the room and collided with Zoya, she screamed , Asad quickly stabled themselves by wounding his arm around her and holding door with other arm. Zoya gasped as she opened her eyes, Asad was very close to her, their noses touching, their heart beats out of control. Asad detached himself from Zoya with difficulty and moved towards wardrobe. Zoya still stood there with heartbeat out of control, her hands trembling. He was earlier than his usual time, she had prayed Duhur and had late lunch , she came to their room to offer her Asr prayer and keep the fresh laundry clothes in wardrobe and was returning only to collide with Asad, he needs to stop frightening her this way.

"Get ready we are leaving " He said taking out his casuals from his wardrobe.

"Wwwhere?" She stammered.

"You need to stop that shuttering" He said turning to face her, if she does that infront of Khala, she'll think he was terrorising her.

"To my parents house?" She asked trying to keep shakiness out of her voice.

"No ..we " He stared at her, little teasing does no harm , she had been on his mind all morning, he can trouble her a little for it.

"We are going where newly married couples go!" He said taking stepstowards her.

"What do you mean?" She asked noticing the smirk on his face.

"Honeymoon begum" She stepped back looking at him wide-eyed. He kept talking steps towards and instantaneously she took back steps, she can't believe it, he said he wouldn't come near her until she wanted him to.

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