Part Fifty-Nine

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Part Fifty Nine

While in other side of the city, the same night Zoya was attacked....

She draped her dress's dupata over her head and held one corner of it to cover her face. She reached the main road and waited for a  auto.

She got in a auto and told him the address. She got off after paying her fare, she looked around cautiously and walked towards her destination, she stopped near the last house of the street and rang the bell.

A voice spoke from the speaker of the intercom door bell. She dropped the duppata from her face and looked at the camera. She heard huffing sound before the lock clicked.

"Why are you here?" He asked clearly not pleased to see her.

"Can I come in first?" She said walking in without waiting for his answer. He locked the door behind her, looking irritated.

"What do you want Tanveer?"

"It's not the way you treat your old school mate, Akram" She replied smirking at him.

"I am not going to repeat myself again" He said jamming his hands in his front pockets.

"Then don't" She grinned increasing his annoyance.

"If you don't have any information to give then you can get out" He ordered, walking towards his working table.

He was getting vexed with this woman, if it wasn't for his plan, he wouldn't have ever seen her again.

He wondered why was she here after Zoya's suicide case and the police's involvement in interrogating maids too, they decided it was best that Tanveer doesn't comes here to deliver any information, instead a stalker was posted outside Asad's house to whom she passes the information using another sim card, since then even Akram called her using other number.

"So rude , aren't you? " She leaned against the table. "If I were you, I would be more polite and respectful towards a person whom I need and knows my secret" She spoke.

"I agreed to work as a maid for you" He interjected her.

"You were working as a maid there already" She masked her anger quickly.

"Then someone came along, asking for my help, to keep an eye on Asad and Zoya, give every information about them, though morally wrong, but how could I refuse my old classmate" She began.

"You agreed for money" He corrected her again. She turned other side to hide her irritation.

She had studied in same school as him till eight standard then dropped out because of her idiocy of ‘falling in love’, love? Attraction was correct word, with a guy just a couple of years older to her, she was the one who insisted they ran away from their homes and they had managed it but were caught later and he dropped the complete blame on her and left with his family while she was punished for her wrongdoing by her parents.

They were already poor but trying to educate her but after this stunt of hers, her family was dishonored, so her parents shifted back to their village and she was never trusted again, not that she learnt any lesson from her mistakes, their already weak financial situation only worsened, she was getting frustrated with the poverty and ran away from home again, reaching city she thought she would make more money but only found a job as maid, having no money she had to settle for this job and the pay was less.

She realised surviving in this world was difficult and being a female made it worse, she had to tread carefully, save herself from male predators for whom a woman was just an object, she had to bear the comments of roadside loafers, who would eye everyone woman and girl as a piece of meat and nothing more, she had to save herself from even the lustful gazes of the owners in whose house she would work, she enjoyed the attention she would get from males that's why she never covered but sometimes it was too frightening because for it wasn't just admiring the beauty but more for them.

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